
On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 CKGSB held a discussion with Carlo Krieger, Ambassador to the PRC, Mongolia and Pakistan for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The event was hosted by Professor Tu Weiming, Chairman of CKGSB's Committee on the Humanities. Nearly 50 students and guests attended the event.

On April 11, 2013, CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing gave a one hour speech to over 200 Japanese executives invited by the Canon Institute of Global Studies, in Tokyo, Japan. Dean Xiang’s theme was “China’s Transformation and Its Global Implications.” He provided many insights into the Chinese economy, including why China is the most capitalistic country in the world and how China can still learn a great deal from Japan.

When Long Ma, a 33-year-old former medical equipment marketer, began his MBA program at CKGSB he had planned to switch to the finance industry after graduation. Six months into the program, he has become more aware of the gap that he must fill to achieve his goal, but is uncertain what the best approach might be.

In an April 7 article in The Daily Telegraph, CKGSB Professor of Marketing Sun Baohong gave readers her insights into how British companies can succeed in China.  

CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing explains why Chinese senior executives are returning to graduate schools in an article by the New York Times. Dean Xiang also sheds light on how business education is now focusing on executives’ entire wealth equation—from why you do business to how you do business, and what to do with the money you have.

Dean Xiang Bing of CKGSB gave a speech at the 4th Asian Leadership Conference on March 27, held in Seoul, South Korea. Hosted by Chosun Media, the Asian Leadership Conference is a renowned gathering of leaders from business, government and education.

The Founding Dean of the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, XIANG Bing, will attend this year's Boao Forum and moderate a private dialogue between CEOs and the governors of several Chinese provinces.

In a lively discussion at CKGSB’s Beijing Campus, 360buy (Jing Dong) Vice President Shi Tao and CKGSB Associate Dean Teng Bingsheng discussed 360buy’s development and the company’s astounding success.

On March 27, 2013 the Founding Dean of CKGSB, Xiang Bing, spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul, South Korea. Entitled Confucianism Will Lead China to Become the World’s #1 Nation, the speech offered Dean Xiang’s insights on China’s economic policy and a political system for development based on Confucianism and its openness.

Many brands have tried to go global. Some have been successful; a handful of others have failed. Professor Durairaj Maheswaran of New York University's Stern School of Business revealed the secrets to successful global branding on March 28, at CKGSB’s Beijing campus.

The China British Business Council Spring Conference on March 14th was a highlight of Britain’s international trade calendar.

Columbia Business School’s Dean Glenn Hubbard visited CKGSB’s Beijing campus on March 17, 2013 to discuss joint programs between the two schools. During his visit, Dean Hubbard and CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing expressed interest in collaborating on wider ranges

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