
Sunday Times: Confucius says how to succeed

December 08, 2013

Business schools have evolved from a North American heritage. But the other side of the coin is the Asian perspective. For The Sunday Times, Andrew Lynch interviews CKGSB’s Chief Representative in Europe, Oliver Shiell, who argues that the future of global leadership and managing a multinational business is going to be a blend of business efficiency and Confucian values.

Business schools have evolved from a North American heritage. But the other side of the coin is the Asian perspective. For The Sunday Times, Andrew Lynch interviews CKGSB’s Chief Representative in Europe, Oliver Shiell, who argues that the future of global leadership and managing a multinational business is going to be a blend of business efficiency and Confucian values.

The article introduces CKGSB’s first Hunter Scholars, Rory Bate-Williams and Jeremy Solomons who are in China to explore a wealth of opportunities, while benefiting from a world class business education and unique Eastern outlook on enterprise, networks and knowledge.

The venue was sumptuous and the guest list stellar. In the neoclassical splendour of Spencer House, overlooking Green Park, all of London’s great and good with connections to China turned out on parade.

The trade minister Lord Green, a former HSBC chairman, represented the government, and the bank’s chief executive Stuart Gulliver and BBC chairman Lord Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong, came to pay tribute to a business school.

Not just any business school. The party was to celebrate the establishment two years ago of a London office for the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, which was founded by Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong magnate who in Britain owns the mobile phone provider Three, Northumbrian Water, Superdrug and Felixstowe container port — and much more in Asia, Australia and North America.

Read Confucius says how to succeed on The Sunday Times website(subscribers only).

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