
On Aug 11, Li Wei, Professor of Economics at CKGSB, was interviewed by Fortune Korea for an in-depth coverage on “specialized wholesale markets” in Zhejiang, China. Li Wei explained the reasons for these markets’ success, strengths and the challenges they will be facing in the rapidly changing Chinese business environment.

A Discussion on the Role of Culture, the Lens of History and its Impact on the Global Economy and Society Today

Money Today: Chinese consumers are extremely price sensitive, but at the same time have a desire for ostentation.

On August 6, 2013, the American Accounting Association (AAA) honored Dr. James A. Ohlson, adjunct professor of accounting at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), for his lasting contributions to accounting research with the Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award. The award, given only once every three or more years, is considered to be one of the highest honors in academic accounting research.

Beijing, August 16, 2012 – Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) has added four top professors who will bring their expertise to bolster the school’s research and teaching capacities. Dr. Xinlei (Jack) Chen and Dr. Rui (Juliet) Zhu will join the marketing department as full-time professors and co-directors of the new CKGSB Branding Center, a one-of-a-kind, China-focused research center for marketing and branding research. Dr. Zhang Jinfan will join as assistant professor of finance, while Dr. Chen Fangruo will serve as a visiting professor of operations management.

CKGSB's global expansion plans were recently covered in this article on, which features an interview with Greg Marchi, CKGSB's Chief Representative in the Americas.

On July 31, 2013, Dr. Li Wei, professor of economics at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), received the prestigious “Best Professor in Economics” award by the World Education Congress, CMO Asia and CMO Council at the fourth annual Asia’s Best B-School Awards event in Singapore.

Joining the third edition of “Cultural China & Global Citizen” speaker event was Stanley Loh, Singaporean Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. Ambassador Loh shared insights about the relations between Singapore and China, the concept of ethnic Chinese, as well as the success of Singapore in dealing with its multiethnic social make-up. In the following discussion between Ambassador Loh and professor Tu further topics were raised, such as cultural identity through language, the challenges China faces in globalization as well as the importance of soft power in East Asia.

CKGSB Dean Xiang Bing and Professor Cho Dong-Sung, respectively moderated a session and gave a keynote address at the APEC China CEO Forum 2013.

In a recent interview in Focus Magazine, published by the China-Britain Business Council, CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing discussed the rise of the private business sector in China, its achievements and strengths, and the weaknesses and challenges the private business sector will face in the coming years.

Chinese Stock Markets find themselves 60% below their 2007 peak values and with little progress in addressing regulatory and transparency issues so far. Bringing them back to vitality and sound business poses a significant policy challenge to the new Chinese leadership.

Today, Japan is China’s largest source of imports, while China has become Japan’s largest export destination and import source. In such context, cooperation and exchange between the two countries become crucial to their respective economic vitality and prospects. The China-Japan CEO roundtable provided an exceptional occasion for the top executives of the two countries to join in for a series of discussions, free exchanges and networking opportunities, fostering relations between the leading business actors of the two countries.

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