
China Daily Interviews Prof. Zhu (Juliet) Rui on the Value of Chinese Brands

December 04, 2013

The brand values of private-sector Chinese companies are growing three times as fast as state-owned enterprises, according to the 2014 installment of the BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands report. Chinese companies that are rapidly increasing their values cover a range of sectors including technology, pharmaceutical, dairy and e-commerce. China Mobile remains China’s most valuable brand for a fourth year at $61.4 billion.  

The brand values of private-sector Chinese companies are growing three times as fast as state-owned enterprises, according to the 2014 installment of the BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands report. Chinese companies that are rapidly increasing their values cover a range of sectors including technology, pharmaceutical, dairy and e-commerce. China Mobile remains China’s most valuable brand for a fourth year at $61.4 billion.

Prof. Zhu (Juliet) Rui, professor of marketing at CKGSB and co-director of the Branding Center, weighed in on the challenges that Chinese companies face in building high-value brands. She talked about Chinese companies’ lack of experience in brand management contributing to the gap between Chinese and foreign brands. Understanding consumers’ needs and enhancing product quality and service are the keys to success.

“Chinese consumers are very sensitive in pricing and branding,” she said, adding that it is also important to maintain consistent quality and keep brands relevant and memorable by adopting traditional and new media.

Please read Chinese companies shifting to new brand of growth on the China Daily website.

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