
Search for: “LIU Jing”

Prof Liu Jing Discusses Chinese Outbound Investment on CCTV

How CEO Zhang Ruimin Reinvented Haier – Three Times Over

Real Estate in China: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Of Risks and a Global Economic Recovery

CKGSB Associate Dean Liu Jing Stepped Up as a Speaker at the 2014 Dong-A International Finance Forum (DIFF)

China Roundup: China GDP Growth at 18-Month Low; Weibo’s IPO; and Candy Crush on WeChat

Fostering Cross-Country Economic Leaders

Internationalization of the Chinese Renminbi: Good for the Economy?

Asia’s Rise in Academics: An Interview with Liu Jing, Professor of Accounting and Finance, Associate Dean of Administration

CKGSB Hosts Annual Review of Accounting Studies Conference

CKGSB Professor Liu Jing in Fortune Korea: The Growth of Market Power is Vital for China’s Successful Economic Reformation

Liconomics is the Key to Success of China 3.0

The Future of Foreign Banks in China

What to expect from China’s Housing Bubble

Download the June 2013 issue of CKGSB Magazine: Future of Freemium

The Money Squeeze: China’s tightening Credit Market

Cleaner China? A Look at Environmental Policy in China

Yum! Brands in China: Colonel Sanders’ Recipe Gone Wrong

Banking Abroad: The Globalization of Chinese Banks

Columbia Dean Glenn Hubbard Expresses Interest in Expanding Collaboration with CKGSB

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