
Next-Generation: Leading Business in Asia and Beyond

Program Overview

China is already a global economic power, and its influence will increase over time as China moves to overtake the U.S. to become the largest economy in the word. Amidst the dynamic change accompanying digital transformation, young leaders from China and the U.S. will play critical roles shaping the future of our global world.  Our program will introduce young leaders from China, the US and Europe to the opportunities and challenges of navigating business issues in China and around the world, and equip them with a nuanced understanding of the current business issues as well as the cultural and historical background of today’s challenges. We welcome entrepreneurs, family business second and third generation, and young corporates.

Who Should Attend

  • Business Model Innovators
  • Global Entrepreneurs
  • Family Business Second-Generations
  • Young Corporates

Faculty Session Topics

  • Global Implication of China’s Transformation
  • Next-Gen Leadership and Change Management or Social Innovation
  • Chinese Economy in Transition
  • Internet + China
  • Family Business in China
  • Business Model Innovation

Basic Program Information

  • FormatNext-Generation: Leading Business in Asia and Beyond
  • LanguageEnglish

Next-Generation: Leading Business in Asia and Beyond

  • Program date


  • Effort
    China Module: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen
    (US Module time TBD, subject to travel restriction)

Since our founding, CKGSB has aimed to cultivate transformative business leaders with a global vision, a humanistic spirit, a strong sense of social responsibility and an innovative mindset, so that they embrace innovation ans strive for social and global good.

Xiang Bing

Founding Dean

Professor of China Business and Globalisation CKGSB


Key Benefits

Star Faculty Lineup

Immersion (including company visits and local activities)

Networking (networking with industry experts and peer leaders)


Global Insights with Partners

Leadership Skill Training

Cross-Cultural Communication

Leading Practical Knowledge on Chinese Business

Chinese culture and business environment

Opportunities on Innovation and Global Strategy

Core Value

What’s the current technological innovation and business model innovation landscape in the world?

What’s the similarities and differences among the China, Greater Asia, US, and Europe business now?

How to leverage the strength of each region to help you succeed?

How young leaders can better hone their leadership skills in order to lead innovation in a world influenced by China and the US?

How do we lead innovative individuals, teams and creative organizations?

How do we effectively navigate cross cultural negotiations?

What do we need to watch out for disruptive new players emerging from different regions of the world?

Program Curriculum

  • TBC

    China Module: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen
    (US Module time TBD, subject to travel restriction)

  • XIANG Bing
    Professor of China Business and Globalization

    Founding Dean

    PhD, University of Alberta
    Business in China, Constructive Innovations, Global Implications of China’s Economic Transformation, Innovation and Globalization by Chinese Companies, Innovation in Management Education, Reform of SOEs, Relationship Between State and Business, Role of Private Sector in China

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  • Ouyang Hui
    Dean's Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance

    Associate Dean for EMBA

    PhD, University of California, Berkeley
    PhD, Tulane University
    Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance, Fixed Income, Integrated Models of Asset Pricing, Internet Finance, Moral Hazard, Quantitative Strategies and Research, Risk Management

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  • Teng Bingsheng
    Professor of Strategic Management

    Associate Dean for Asia and Europe

    PhD, City University of New York
    Chinese Firms' Global Strategies, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, M&A, Strategic Alliances, Strategic Management

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  • ZHANG Weining
    Associate Professor of Accounting

    PhD of Accounting, University of Texas at Dallas
    Artificial Intelligence, Banking, Corporate Disclosure, Corporate Governance, Executive Compensation, Financial and Managerial Accounting, Internet

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  • Li Yang
    Associate Professor of Marketing

    PhD, Columbia Business School
    Machine Learning, Bayesian Nonparametrics, Big Data, Choice Modeling, Text Mining, Recommender Systems

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  • SUN Baohong
    Dean's Distinguished Chair

    Professor of Marketing

    Director of the CIM Center

    Associate Dean for CKGSB
    Americas and Global Programs

    PhD, University of Southern California
    Big Data Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Trends, Customer Relationship Management, Digital Branding and Marketing, Dynamic Structural Models and Interactive Marketing Mix, E-commerce, Pricing Strategy, Social Commerce

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  • Henry Cao
    Professor of Finance and Chair of Finance Department

    PhDs, UCLA and Yale
    Asset Pricing, Behavioral Finance, Cryptocurrencies, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments, Microstructure, Options Pricing, International Finance

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  • ZHU Rui (Juliet)
    Professor of Marketing

    Director of the Social Innovation and Business for Good Centre

    Academic Director for EMBA Program

    PhD, University of Minnesota
    Branding, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Information Processing and Psychology, Corporate Social Responsibility, Design and Structural Effects of Physical Environment, Innovative Business Models, Modern Philanthropy, Tencent

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Business Executives

  • Cindy Mi, VIPKIDS
  • Doreen Wang, Kantar
  • Feng Lun, Vantone
  • Mandell Crawley, Morgan Stanley
  • David Adelman, former ambassador to Singapore
  • David Roth, CEO, WPP
  • Steven Rockefeller
Program Alumni Quote

“The program offers a unique cross-cultural experience and prepares students to become future global business leaders. Faculty from the top world-class schools come together and offer unparalleled expertise and education. There is no other program that has such high-caliber faculty, participants and networking opportunities. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”


– Nathan Young, Master’s Student at Cornell University, Columbia University 


“I just made 20 new global friends. As we all grow and start different companies and head off in different industries, we will be able to rely on each other and have the great memories we are making right now. The most helpful aspect of the program were the connections I made, but the knowledge is amazing also. I thought I knew how I would one day do business with China but that has completely changed.”


– Stephanie Ball, Associate at Bridgewater 

Ready to Next-Generation:
Leading Business in Asia and Beyond?

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