
CKGSB and United Way Worldwide (UWW) convened leading executives, philanthropists and academics from China and the United States to debate the future of philanthropy, share best practices and explore possibilities of collaboration.

As European nations recover from the debt crisis that crippled several economies, the relationship between China and the EU is taking center stage. To shed light on current and future dynamics, CKGSB and Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Francaise en Chine (CCIFC) jointly held a dialogue with prominent French politician, Valérie Pécresse. 

An interview with CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing, in the Korea Economic Daily.

Tech in Asia announced the winners of the 10th edition of Tech Hive, Beijing's premiere Startup Weekend-style 54-hour hackathon. Milefo, a goal-based savings and investment app for individuals in China, was announced as the winner of the competition. The application’s founder, Gregory Vandenbergh, is a graduate of CKGSB’s MBA program.

On September 19, The Wall Street Journal interviewed Dr. Teng Bingsheng, CKGSB Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Strategic Management, on social platforms such as Sina Weibo in China for an in-depth piece on the Chinese government’s reaction to social-media. Dr. Teng expressed a trend away from public opinion-driven platforms in China.

An interview with CKGSB Professor Li Wei, in the Edaily

Maeil Business Newspaper recently interviewed CKGSB Professor of Finance Chen Long, who offered his insights into the new Shanghai Free Trade Zone and what it means for China.

On September 11, China Daily discussed Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg’s insights on the challenges facing women at an event hosted by CKGSB in Beijing on September 10, while highlighting CKGSB Associate Dean and Professor Teng Bingsheng’s remarks on the purpose and role of the school on this matter.

The Wall Street Journal: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg gave a speech in front of about 1000 people at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing this week to promote the Chinese version of her book “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead.”

On September 11, Bloomberg News wrote a piece on Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer, and her remarks on women in leadership given at CKGSB on September 10 in Beijing. The article also describes Facebook’s potential goals in China.

On September 10, Bloomberg News described how Sheryl Sandberg, who recently released her book "Lean In" in Chinese, brought a message of change to a standing-room-only crowd of more than 800 at a CKGSB-organized event.

On Aug 21, Professor Chen Xinlei’s in-depth insights on China’s economy and on marketing are covered profoundly in a two-page article in Weekly Chosun. Chen Xinlei explains that the competitiveness of Korean brands is their ‘price-performance ratio’ and advised Korean companies to prioritize consumer preferences over government relations in China.

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