
In November 2013, CKGSB hosted the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) Conference, a two-day event that gathered 85 scholars from leading academic institutions from around the globe.  Since 1996, RAST has served as one of the top international journals in business and finance, and provides an outlet for significant academic research in accounting including theoretical, empirical and experimental work. CKGSB—a research-led business school with world-class faculty—is proud to hold RAST’s conference for the first time in Asia.

Beijing, November 8, 2013—This weekend, the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) will host the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) Conference, welcoming 85 scholars from leading institutions around the globe to discuss the latest research findings in accounting. CKGSB, a research-led business school with world-class faculty, is proud to hold the annual conference for this leading academic journal. As one of the top international journals in business and finance, RAST provides an outlet for significant academic research in accounting including theoretical, empirical and experimental work. This is the first RAST Conference to be held in Asia, signifying the rapid spread of academic knowledge into and from the region.

New York, November 6, 2013 – Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), the leading international business school in China, has appointed Gregory Marchi, an eleven-year education industry veteran and former Managing Director at Duke Corporate Education, as Chief Representative of CKGSB Americas. 

Based on the world’s largest domestic market, China is transforming its economic paradigm from investment to consumption. During an interview with Fortune Korea, Liu Jing, CKGSB Professor of Finance shared his views on “Liconomics”: China’s economic reformation plans, named after the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Li Keqiang.

An interview with CKGSB Professor Chen Xinlei, in the JoongAng Ilbo   China is rising as the biggest consumption market in the world, yet maintaining mixed and complicated consumption patterns. CKGSB Professor Chen Xinlei showed his academic excellence in marketing by sharing his valuable views with Professor Rando Kim of Seoul National University and the author of a million-seller book, ‘Trend China’, on Chinese market and consumers.

Leading international e-commerce retailers such as eBay and are gearing up to enter the promising Chinese e-commerce market. In the past, there have been multiple cases where global retailers entered the Chinese market, yet failed to gain any significant performance.

CKGSB and United Way Worldwide (UWW) recently brought together leading executives, philanthropists and academics from China and the United States to debate the future of philanthropy, share best practices and explore possibilities of collaboration.

Prof. Sun Baohong shared her views on major contributing factors to the success of Chinese e-commerce and future challenges.

Prof. Liu Jing shared his views on ‘Liconomics’ and the economic reformations of state-owned-enterprises and the finance system.

CKGSB and United Way Worldwide (UWW) convened leading executives, philanthropists and academics from China and the United States to debate the future of philanthropy, share best practices and explore possibilities of collaboration.

As European nations recover from the debt crisis that crippled several economies, the relationship between China and the EU is taking center stage. To shed light on current and future dynamics, CKGSB and Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Francaise en Chine (CCIFC) jointly held a dialogue with prominent French politician, Valérie Pécresse. 

An interview with CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing, in the Korea Economic Daily.

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