
Sanya, January 9, 2014 –CKGSB Holds 2014 Sanya Forum & Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Executive Education (EE) Program

Korean Scholarship Students from Incheon Global Leadership School Learn Chinese Educational Vision for Global Business Management   Incheon City announced its intention to foster future business leaders and establish the ‘Incheon Global Leadership School’, Korea’s first public scholarship foundation. The city provided scholarships to 27 Korean students and gave them an opportunity to learn and experience China’s vision towards education. Recognizing and supporting Incheon City’s efforts, CKGSB planned a customized training program for the students and hosted various sessions. The program became a cornerstone for the Korean students to learn China’s vision and daring efforts towards education and developing themselves into future global leaders.

CKGSB Professor Zhu Rui -“Ambient Noise Helps Creative Cognition” Rather than studying in a quiet setting, doing so in a coffee shop bustling with ambient noise may actually help trigger creativity. ‘Coffitivity’, one of most influential smartphone apps of 2013, is based on CKGSB Professor Zhu Rui’s dissertation, ‘Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition’, which explores this very topic. Professor Zhu is one of the most promising scholars known for her studies on environmental cues and their effects on consumer behavior. Apart from studies on the ambient noise effect, Professor Zhu has also studied various environmental factors that also influence consumer cognition.

Beijing, December 04, 2013—Juliet Zhu, CKGSB Professor of Marketing and Branding Center co-director, spoke yesterday at an event to unveil WPP’s annual BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands study.

When entering a new market, especially a dynamic and constantly changing market, such as China, understanding consumers and identifying specific strategies for the local market is essential for success. Prof. Teng Bingsheng, CKGSB’s Associate Dean of the European Campus and Associate Professor of Strategic Management, sheds light on how MNCs can adapt to the new and increasingly more sophisticated Chinese consumer, based on his experience in engaging with our students and alumni, who represent China’s business leaders across a wide range of industries. Watch this video to learn more about the rapidly evolving Chinese consumer.

As the largest Chinese diary company, Mengniu has taken a step forward in its path to globalizing. To do so, Mengniu has created a ‘Three I’ policy – Integration, Innovation, and Identity – to integrate international resources, to leverage global partners, and to be innovative so as to differentiate its products. Watch this video to learn more from Ms. Sun Yiping, the President of China Mengniu Dairy Company Ltd. and a CKGSB alumna.

On December 2nd, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron gave a clear message at the China-UK Business Summit as one of the highlights of his three-day visit in China. The Summit, where CKGSB served as the Strategic Partner, is the highest-level exchange between the two countries, attended by the largest UK business delegation in history, as well as over 300 domestic and international business leaders in China.

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) successfully held the opening ceremony for the first intake of its CKGSB Business Scholar Program (DBA) Program in its Beijing campus on November 29, 2013. All 35 doctoral candidates of the class attended this simple, academic ceremony. Dr. Xiang Bing, Founding Dean of CKGSB, and Klaus Rohland, World Bank’s Country Director for China, Mongolia, and Korea in the East Asia and Pacific Region graced the opening ceremony with their heartfelt wishes for the candidates. The ceremony was presided over by Dr. Chen Long, Associate Dean for the CKGSB Business Scholar Program (DBA) and Alumni Affairs, Academic Director of CKGSB Business Scholar Program (DBA), and Professor of Finance at CKGSB.

An Interview with Prof. Li Haitao, Associate Dean of the MBA Program, Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance, CKGSB

Business schools have evolved from a North American heritage. But the other side of the coin is the Asian perspective. For The Sunday Times, Andrew Lynch interviews CKGSB’s Chief Representative in Europe, Oliver Shiell, who argues that the future of global leadership and managing a multinational business is going to be a blend of business efficiency and Confucian values.

The brand values of private-sector Chinese companies are growing three times as fast as state-owned enterprises, according to the 2014 installment of the BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands report. Chinese companies that are rapidly increasing their values cover a range of sectors including technology, pharmaceutical, dairy and e-commerce. China Mobile remains China’s most valuable brand for a fourth year at $61.4 billion.  

The Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) today announced the launch of the second phase of its renowned Hunter Scholar programme. The academic scholarship offers full funding for two promising young UK entrepreneurs to study for the Beijing-based, China-focused, MBA programme.

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