
Search for: “TENG Bingsheng”

Barry Salzberg, Deloitte CEO and Chairman of United Way Worldwide, speaks at CKGSB on Philanthropic Leadership of Tomorrow

360buy’s VP Shi Tao Sheds Light on Challenges and Opportunities in E-Commerce”

CKGSB’s European leadership team visits IMD

CKGSB Partners with IMD to solve ‘The China Strategy Challenge’

Maeil Business Newspaper : Teng Bingsheng Advises about China Market Entry Strategy and Chinese Company Acquisition Tactics

CKGSB 10th anniversary celebrations held in Beijing

Taking the Hard Road: Chinese automaker BYD tries to innovate

Teng Bingsheng on the global M&A strategies of Chinese Companies

Two to tango

So close, yet so far

Getting ahead of the curve

The risks of Foxconn’s model

Doing Business with China: The Power of Local

Innovation with Chinese characteristics

Huawei and 3Leaf: What went wrong? Chinese telecoms set sights on strategic foreign assets

China’s globalization efforts move full steam ahead

The most sustainable business model for Chinese entrepreneurs

Innovation in China: still awaiting transformative leaders

E-tail versus retail: Can upstart company 360Buy succesfully compete with the two reigning giants of the appliance market?

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