
Industry experts and leaders came together at CKGSB and Austcham’s recent E-Commerce Forum to learn more about how SMEs can succeed in China’s booming e-commerce market.

Knowledge sharing between Chinese and US scholars in leading business and policy schools produces fascinating discussion as unique partnership continues to bear fruit.

A group of more than 40 Chinese CEOs from CKGSB’s CEO Executive Education Program recently enjoyed five days of teaching from leading Stanford University professors on topics including technology, artificial intelligence and big data.

CKGSB Professor of Marketing Juliet Zhu headlined an impressive line-up of speakers from leading global and Chinese companies, who convened in Shanghai to discuss China’s new digital economy, with big data and the government’s Internet+ strategy revolutionizing the industry.

CKGSB Professors Teng Bingsheng and Zhou Chunsheng addressed the importance of knowledge in meeting the challenges and opportunities that China is facing, during their respective sessions at the 16th World Knowledge Forum (WKF) in Seoul.

“Our achievements are enormous, but we still have huge challenges ahead. As representatives of China’s business elite, how should we behave going forward?” This question is at the heart of a “new business civilization” advocated by CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing. Declaring that “our responsibilities and talents, including our energy, progress, stability, strength, wisdom and sense of harmony, are increasingly important to business and societal developments,” Dean Xiang, Professor of China Business and Globalization, expressed his hopes for CKGSB alumni and students at the 2015 Fall Graduation and Opening ceremony.

CKGSB has been awarded the EQUIS accreditation by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), the leading international system of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation for higher education institutions.

While China’s slowing GDP growth has caused some to sound the alarm, CKGSB Economics Professor Li Wei instead told leading Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail that there were some positives to the slowdown, not least more affordable housing.

CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing was quoted in a special 30th anniversary edition of Spanish newspaper El País, which focuses on the shifts in China’s economic direction over the past three decades.

CKGSB Professor of Finance Gan Jie features in the first of a series of articles by China Daily on the macro-economic policies that will help China change from an export-led economy to one driven primarily by consumer spending.

Yan Xuan, president of Nielsen Greater China, told the October 2 roundtable session “New Consumption Trends in China” at CKGSB's New York offices that the rise of Ecommerce can help bring more consumption of goods to people in China, particularly rural residents. That assistance would fit with the government's effort to rebalance China's economy away from exports and investment and toward consumption to create sustainable long-term growth.

A select group of next-generation global business leaders completed the inaugural 2015 iLEAD program’s 10-day China Module recently, experiencing unparalleled international networking opportunities, world-class academic discussions, interactive panels with select executives, visits to leading Chinese companies and practical hands-on learning opportunities.

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