
Community in the Internet Plus Era and Big Data Marketing

March 01, 2016

CKGSB Professor of Marketing Li Yang delivers keynote speech in some of the hottest China-related topics to an enthusiastic audience attending the term-changing conference of the Korean Chamber of Commerce in China.

At this year’s term-changing conference of the Korean Chamber of Commerce in China, Dr. Li Yang, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), made an impressive speech themed “Community, Big Data, and Internet Plus”. In his keynote speech, Professor Li Yang said, “As marketing tools and marketing media are changing rapidly today, we should start from marketing’s original intention, and build effective connections with customers via communities, big data and the smart internet of things, so as to find our own keys to success.”

The conference was attended by Mr. Kim Jang-soo, South Korean Ambassador to China, Mrs. Enna Park, Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs, as well as more than 120 Korean government officials, business leaders and investors. After Professor Li’s keynote speech, the attendees held in-depth discussions with him on key issues of common concern to Chinese and Korean business leaders.

The term-changing conference, held annually by the Korean Chamber of Commerce in China, is the organization’s biggest event, and attracts the most distinguished guests. In this year’s conference, Mr. Kim Tae Yun, General Manager of Beijing Hyundai Automobile, was re-elected as the 23rd President of the Korean Chamber of Commerce in China.

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