
CKGSB Professor of Accounting James Ohlson looks back on his distinguished academic career and also gives some advice to those looking to make it in his field, as he celebrates becoming the 93rd member of the Accounting Hall of Fame.

Sun Baohong, the Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Marketing at CKGSB, and Carnegie Mellon University business and computer science professor R. Ravi outlined at a CKGSB Knowledge Series event a consumer-centric marketing framework that they said would bump up profit growth and return on investment significantly more than a campaign-centered strategy.

With the development of the Chinese economy, investment consulting has become an increasingly popular area in China. Consulting firms provide crash courses on stock market manipulators – how to anticipate their targets, how to spot their trades and, most importantly, how to profit by following in their tracks – and that all require greater regulation.

CKGSB students gain deep insights on biggest O2O trends in China by studying original business cases developed by world class faculty

CKGSB Professor Cho Dong-Sung has revealed the results from his ‘IPS National Competitiveness Research 2014-2015’ study, which focuses on a national competitiveness comparison. He also offered some advice to improve core national competency.

More than 60 Korean business leaders and next-gen entrepreneurs came together at CKGSB’s Shanghai campus this month for the latest session of the CKGSB EMBA on China Business for Korean Leaders. The second module, ‘Strategic Marketing in China,’ was held from January 14-17 and covered consumer studies and marketing strategies in conjunction with company visits where ideas from the classroom were seen being put into practice.

Tong Xingxue, the former Chairman, President and Chief Executive of LDK Solar Energy, and an alumnus of CKGSB’s EMBA program, says the booming solar power industry is poised for even greater growth, helped by falling costs, growing innovation and surging investment.

CKGSB Professor of Finance Gan Jie’s quarterly survey on China’s industrial economy is referenced in a prominent New York Times article, as China’s economic woes continue to dominate global headlines.

Brian Viard tells the Financial Times that 24 cities in China are currently able to support multiple ride-hailing firms - and that more may be on the way as China continues to develop.

Liu Jian, the Consul General for the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles, and CKGSB Dean Xiang Bing were among those in attendance at the launch ceremony of CKGSB’s US West Coast Alumni Association, which also included an Innovation Forum.

The CKGSB EMBA on China Business for Korean Leaders has successfully completed its first module in Beijing under the heading ‘China’s Macro Economy and Big Picture.’ All sessions and programs in the module received enthusiastic feedback from the students due to the extraordinary insight they had gained about China’s latest issues.

A packed house attended CKGSB’s New York office recently to hear a fascinating discussion about the rollercoaster ride experienced by China’s economy in 2015, the latest event to form part of the school’s Knowledge Series.

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