
Search for: “LIU Jing”

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LIU Jing

LIU Jing

Professor of Accounting and Finance and Director of Investment Research Center, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

PhD, Columbia University

Corporate Finance, Economic Reforms, Financial Accounting, Investments, Real Estate

Other Search Results

How to Break down Information Barriers in the Healthcare System

Professor Liu Jing Addresses Key Economic Issues at the Sino-Swiss Economic Forum 2024

CKGSB Releases Investor Sentiment Index Q3 2023

Research Centers

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The CKGSB Investor Sentiment Survey

How to Revive China’s Economy in 2023 | An Interview with CKGSB Professor Liu Jing

What can China Learn from the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)?

Why the EV Market is Booming but Stocks are Plummeting

Fostering Social Innovation to Address Humanity’s Challenges

China’s Economy: Its Past, Present and Future

CKGSB Publishes “Deciphering the Impact of COVID-19 on China Business,” Digital Report

Series: China’s Real Estate Problem
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How Education in China should Develop in the Future

Series: China’s Real Estate Problem
3. The Two Bubbles in China’s Property Market

Series: China’s Real Estate Problem
4. Land Finance and Local Government Revenue Structures

Series: China’s Real Estate Problem
2. The Role of Real Estate Companies

CKGSB Investor Sentiment Remain Pessimistic on China’s Capital Markets

Five Channels of Opportunity in the Electric Vehicle Market

CKGSB Professor Liu Jing – China’s Investment Outlook under the Geopolitical Risks

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