
Maekyung Economy, one of South Korea's most widely-read business magazines, published a case study article introducing Alibaba’s success story that focuses on Jack Ma’s strategies. Even during the time when Chinese business people were rarely using the Internet, Jack Ma saw the possibility of the business in 1990s. With investment from SoftBank, Alibaba grew up to defeat eBay with Taobao. An interview with Teng Bingsheng, Associate Dean for Asia and Europe and Professor of Strategic Management of CKGSB, was included in the article regarding the case of Alibaba. Associate Dean Teng was also introduced as a renowned expert in the field of Strategic Alliance.

Effectively reaching consumers is the heart of every company's marketing strategy. A long-popular marketing practice bases customers' candidacy for campaigns on their most recent, frequent or lucrative transactions. But research by professors at CKGSB and Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business argues that companies can boost profit by embracing a data-driven, long-term view of the consumer.

This special event offers the chance to hear two CKGSB professors share their views on the rapid globalization of China and what that means for the rest of the world, as well as analysis of the latest trends in China’s booming e-commerce sector, plus an exciting opportunity to learn more about the CKGSB-IMD Dual EMBA program.

Highly anticipated mentorship program scheduled for kick-off in January.

Chinese New Year, also known as spring festival, is a season of change, and the MBA program is pleased to welcome new associate dean Professor Ou-Yang Hui and program director Alan Chen this year.

China's recent financial turbulence has raised many burning questions: How has it already impacted both the US and Chinese markets? What is the trajectory for the future? What best practices should businesses develop in response? Join an expert panel of elite academics and executives for an in-depth financial discussion of the current and future state of China's economy.

China’s economy is today more important than ever to the world’s economic activity. Yet pinpointing the exact rate and areas of China’s growth is becoming increasingly difficult. Join CKGSB Professor of Finance Gan Jie as she reveals the latest results from her large-scale, micro-level company survey on China’s industrial economy, while previewing what lies in store for China’s economy in 2016.

On December 2-3, CKGSB will launch its annual China-Korea CEO Forum at the Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul. Under the heading, “A Joint Growth Strategy for China and Korea in the Era of the New Normal,” CKGSB faculty and alumni—comprised of industry leaders in China—will shed light on economic trends and best practices for operating in the China market.

With bilateral trade between China and Japan topping US$340 billion in 2014 and Japan investing more than US$100 billion in China last year, it is more crucial than ever that these two Asian powerhouses can work closely together. Join an impressive line-up of executives from China and Japan to hear where the best opportunities for growth exist and how the two partners can cooperate for greater success.

The nature of business-to-business buying is shifting rapidly. Are you shifting with it? Join us as Ruth P. Stevens, President of eMarketing Strategy, shares her insights at CKGSB's New York Office on key B2B topics, including: Who is making today's industrial purchases? Where are business buyers finding product information? What is the most effective approach to B2B marketing? How good is your "data hygiene”?

As part of the Australian Chamber’s recently established E-commerce & Retail Working Group, and the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business’ (CKGSB) strong education and research focus on the e-commerce industry, the two institutions are proud to bring to you this event on the opportunities and best practices of e-commerce in China. 

Forbes Korea, South Korea’s one of the most widely-read business magazines, featured an article in its March issue that introduces various programs and unrivalled alumni network of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB). The article also illustrated the school’s representative alumni and courses they had attended. In particular, the article introduced detailed information on CKGSB’s MBA course, which provides ample opportunities to expand business network and learn core business knowledge.

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