Students, professors, and alumni from CKGSB have come together in a concerted relief effort in response to the continued novel coronavirus outbreak
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The Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) will host a webinar on ‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses and the Chinese Economy’
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we interviewed our alumna Gill Zhou, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of IBM Greater China Group, who shared with us her insights on how women are using their strengths to play a positive role in the challenging time we face due to the COVID-19 outbreak and why people should abandon stereotypes.
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) Assistant Professor of Economics Zhang Gang recently held a webinar with MBA alumni Wang Wei relating to the COVID-19 outbreak, its transmission, and the effects it has had on both the economy and the supply chain.
One of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business’ (CKGSB) missions is to empower and inspire students, alumni and the greater community by advocating and actively driving for gender equality, so that they can further promote social change through their work.
This survey was led by Dr. Zhang Xiaomeng, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Associate Dean for Executive Education and Co-Director of Leadership and Motivation Research Centre at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)
As China struggles to contain the spread of COVID-19, everyone is wondering how this incident will impact the greater economy. Although there are still many uncertainties about the current crisis, to compare the repercussions of this virus with the SARS virus, which broke out in 2003, is optimistic. Back then, China’s share of the world’s GDP was 8.8%; now it’s 19.2%. China’s economy grinding to a halt will have massive impacts around the world.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has presented significant challenges to both China and the global community. Fundamental to the core of CKGSB’s mission to cultivate transformative business leaders with a strong sense of social responsibility who strive for social and global good, the CKGSB community has come together to provide and gather support for those affected by the Coronavirus outbreak
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) Professor of Accounting and Finance Liu Jing recently published an article relating to the COVID-19 outbreak, the context for rumours to spread and the ability for society to rationally access and reach a consensus on facts.