
Six CKGSB Professors Honored on Elsevier’s Prestigious “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” List

April 14, 2023 | ESG & Social Innovation

Cao Huining

Li Wei

Zhang Xiaomeng

Wang Neng

Jing Bing

Li Lede

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Professor Cao has published multiple papers in internationally renowned journals, such as the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, and the Journal of Financial Economics.

Cao Huining

Professor of Finance and Chair of Finance Department
PhD – UCLA and Yale University

Professor Cao Huining’s research has focused on portfolio management, option pricing, asset pricing, market microstructure, and international finance. Professor Cao has published multiple papers in internationally renowned journals, such as the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, and the Journal of Financial Economics.

Li Wei

Professor of Economics, Associate Dean for Asia and Europe
Director of the Case Center and China Economy Sustainable Development Center
PhD – University of Michigan

Professor Li’s research into the Chinese economy, the emerging market economy, public finance, and applied economies, have been published in several prestigious journals, including the American Economic Journal, the Journal of Political Economy, and the Journal of Economic Research.

Zhang Xiaomeng

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Associate Dean for Executive Education Programs
Director of the Leadership and Behavioral Psychology Research Centers
PhD – Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

Professor Zhang recently led a research team to closely track personal and organizational resilience among Chinese business leaders in a broader macro-context.


Professor Zhang Xiaomeng’s research centers around behavioral and psychological sciences, with a particular focus on psychological resilience, organizational resilience, and team collaboration. Professor Zhang’s recently led a research team to closely track personal and organizational resilience among Chinese business leaders in a broader macro-context. Her team subsequently developed frameworks for developing personal and organizational resilience, based on their findings and insights from real-world business practices.

Professor Zhang Xiaomeng has published articles in several top academic journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Science, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management etc.

Wang Neng

Visiting Professor of Finance
PhD – Stanford University

Professor Wang Neng’s diverse research interests include consumer finance, corporate finance, entrepreneurial finance, macroeconomics, international finance, asset pricing, and financial technology. He has made outstanding academic achievements in the field of finance, with many of his papers published in top international finance and economics journals.

Jing Bing

Associate Professor of Marketing
PhD – University of Rochester

Professor Jing Bing research interests include product differentiation, product line design and pricing, product personalization, and word-of-mouth marketing. He has published papers in many top academic journals, including Management Information Systems Quarterly, Management Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.

Li Lede

Professor of Operations Management
PhD – Northwestern University

Professor Li Lede’s research spans product management and strategy, industrial organization, game theory, supply chain management, service operations, and the management of international manufacturing networks.

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