CKGSB Publication

CKGSB 2022 ESG and Social Innovation Report: Our Innovative Path towards Sustainable Development
In its endeavor to realize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) has produced a special publication, “CKGSB 2022 ESG and Social Innovation Report…
In its endeavor to realize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) has produced a special publication, “CKGSB 2022 ESG and Social Innovation Report: Our Innovative Path towards Sustainable Development”. The report showcases CKGSB’s innovative programs, original research, hands-on projects, interdisciplinary partnerships and global dialogues on the School’s environmental, social and governance efforts and impact.
Featuring ESG-related courses among our degree and non-degree programs, social innovation projects led by our school’s staff, students and alumni, and unique insights from our faculty’s research on sustainable development, the report highlights representative cases from the past two years in the CKGSB’s social responsibility path.
Emphasizing the social role of a business school like CKGSB, Founding Dean Xiang Bing writes in the report, “In this era of tectonic changes, business schools have an unshakable responsibility in helping individuals and institutions (companies and NGOs) to better navigate through these turbulent times, and to make the world a better place both economically and socially.”
This report has also been submitted to the United Nations’ Responsible Management Education (PRME), to which CKGSB has been a proud signatory since November 24, 2008. PRME is a United Nations-supported initiative founded in 2007, created as a platform to raise the profile of sustainability in schools around the world, and to equip today’s business students with an understanding and ability to make changes in the world.
Report Highlights
Message from the Dean
Programs & Courses
At CKGSB we help experienced executives and young professionals navigate business amidst today’s uncertainties. The idea of responsible management has been embedded in the entire education system at CKGSB. Oriented toward a sustainable future, CKGSB prepares students to succeed globally and advance societal development.
At Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, we believe in practicing the theories we teach. We also encourage our students to apply what they have learned in the classroom sustainably to their own businesses and corporations.
1. Ji’an Project
2. CKGSB Alumna Tang Zhanxin and Her NGO Supporting the Beijing 2022 Olympics – Responsibility ActionsDriven by Students
3. CKGSB Alumni Associations Training Social Workers for the Elderly Left-behind in Mountain Villages
4. “Decent Work, Prosperity for All”
5. Recyclable Use of Takeaway Food Containers
With 20 specialized research centers and a Case Center, CKGSB has been producing in-depth research on topics such as social innovation, sustainable development, digitalization, globalization, entrepreneurship and emerging markets.
The following sections provide a snapshot of some of the research carried out by our academics within areas related to sustainable development, in the form of publications, books and case studies.
1. Paper: Trans-boundary Air Pollution Spillovers: Physical Transport and Economic Costs by Distance – Brian Viard
2. Paper: “She-cession” after the COVID-19 Pandemic – Zhang Xiaomeng
3. Book: Enterprises of the Future: A Three-step Approach for Sustainable Business – Zhu Rui
4. Case Study: The Road to Poverty Alleviation – Fan Xinyu
5. Industry for Good Initiative
CKGSB provides a wide variety of global insights based on a firm foundation of research, with a particular emphasis on China. Our world-class faculty members – who have a unique bi-cultural perspective – conduct independent research into many sectors of business and economic life, resulting in original knowledge and views.
1. Report: Fostering Social Innovation to Address Humanity’s Challenges
2. Report: Deciphering the Impact of COVID-19 on China Business
3. Article: Seeking Common Prosperity from a Global Perspective
4. Article: Chasing Carbon Neutrality
5. Article: Five Channels of Opportunities in the EV Market
6. Article: The Future of Sustainable Business in China