
US commercial properties are attracting Asian investors in record-breaking fashion, with luxury hotels and other “trophy” buildings in the coastal, “gateway” cities of New York, L.A., San Francisco and Washington, D.C., among the most sought-after purchases, according to Susan Stupin and Ted Gamble, Principals and Co-Founders of The Prescott Group, a NY-based real estate investment and asset management firm.

Innovative Chinese firms have previously suffered at the hands of firms who have followed the imitation and copying model. But in the future, if Chinese firms are serious about long-term, sustainable success, they will need to adopt a more global perspective and create a new era of innovation.

Taking a cue from Confucius, CKGSB Founding Dean and Professor of China Business and Globalization Xiang Bing is championing “encouraging different dreams” as the key to China’s future success.

What are the challenges facing Chinese brands in an increasingly globalized world, and how can they overcome these hurdles? Can Chinese brands close the gap with their international counterparts in terms of their ability to differentiate themselves and become global trend setters? CMOs from leading Chinese brands gathered at CKGSB to share best practices amid increasing global competition.

Authors apply Sun Tzu’s war strategies to a range of specific business cases in a fascinating talk at CKGSB’s New York campus, with McDonald’s, Cirque du Soleil, jiujitsu, beer and Greek yogurt among the examples studied.

Stories of China's debt, slowing growth and speculative bubbles have dominated the pages of newspapers across the globe. But how has the Chinese economy changed over the last couple of decades, and what can investors expect over the next ten years? 

Former Marvel Entertainment CEO Peter Cuneo shares his thoughts on why leadership skills are the single most important thing young people can obtain to achieve success during a talk at Cornell’s Johnson School.

With China’s stock market continuing to break records, not everyone is convinced by the current trend. CKGSB Associate Professor of Strategic Management Teng Bingsheng offers some sage advice for those interested in the tech sector.

Five years ago, Chinese entrepreneurs might have feared and shunned the topic of “family businesses.” Nowadays, second-generation leaders have started to openly talk about business succession.

At the 3rd Annual USC China Connect Forum in Los Angeles, CKGSB Professor Mei Jianping highlighted five main sectors which are set for promising futures in China.

Anyone who has overseen a nine-figure deal between US and Chinese firms must know a thing or two about bridging the cultural divide when it comes to doing global business. Peter Cuneo is one such man, and he’s also a key part of CKGSB’s iLEAD program.

The Knowledge Series lecture “China’s New Urbanization” was successfully held at the New York campus of the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

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