
CKGSB Professors Speak at World Economic Forum Gathering

September 09, 2015

Three CKGSB professors are speaking at the ninth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or ‘Summer Davos’ this week in the Chinese port city of Dalian. The event is the World Economic Forum’s global meeting on innovation, science and technology, and this year’s theme is “Charting a New Course for Growth”.

Three CKGSB professors are speaking at this week’s Summer Davos session in Dalian. The ninth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or ‘Summer Davos’ to use its more colloquial name, runs from September 9-11 in the Chinese port city of Dalian, under the heading “Charting a New Course for Growth”.

Since the global financial crisis, economies around the world have experienced lower growth in their productive capacity. Without technological progress, investment in productive capital and proactive responses to demographic shifts, the world will face a future of slow and imbalanced growth.

This event is the World Economic Forum’s global meeting on innovation, science and technology and convenes more than 1,500 participants from business, government, research and media from over 90 countries for an intense three-day program designed to explore innovative and entrepreneurial responses to the new growth challenge.

The three CKGSB professors speaking at this prestigious event are:

CKGSB Founding Dean and Professor China Business and Globalization Xiang Bing will take part in “The Global Rise of China’s Entrepreneurs” panel discussion, alongside Margery Kraus, Founder and Executive Chairman of APCO Worldwide, and Liu Changle, CEO of Phoenix TV. Dean Xiang is an authority on Chinese business, the reform of China’s state-owned enterprises, innovations in China, the globalization of Chinese companies, the role of the private sector in China, the relationship between state and business, and the global implications of China’s transformation.

Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean of Global Programs, Sun Baohong, is moderating “The Transformation of the Consumer and Retail Industries” panel , featuring Cheung Kwok Wah, CEO of Nestlé China, Dmitry Kostygin, Chairman of the Board for Ulmart, and Xuan Yan, President for Greater China, Nielsen. Prof Sun is an expert on e-commerce and social media.

Professor of Marketing Zhu Rui, who last year was named to the World Economic Forum’s Network of Global Agenda Councils as a Member for 2014-2016, is making a number of appearances in Dalian. She is an expert in branding, consumer behavior, sustainability and philanthropy.

For more information, see the official website here.

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