
CKGSB Dialogue E-series: The Future of Sustainable Business

  • Date: June 22, 2020 8:00 pm
  • Location: Webinar
  • Organized by: Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Economics of Mutuality at Mars, Incorporated, Mars China
  • Language: English (with simultaneous translation into Chinese)

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As countries respond to the devastation caused by COVID-19, private enterprises are discovering positive ways to address the gaps that exist in our society. Car manufactures are retooling their factories to produce ventilators; corporations are donating protective gear to hospitals, and companies are improving their working conditions and safety standards. The crisis has highlighted the positive impact that the private sector can play when they step up their social responsibility efforts. Mounting evidence also show that consumers and shareholders prefer companies with a clear humanistic approach rather than simply increasing their profit margins.


  • How should companies enhance their sustainability efforts post COVID-19?
  • What role do they play in meeting the challenges we face in today’s world?
  • How can civil society collaborate with private enterprise and government organizations to achieve a sustainable and inclusive future?


The Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) will host a webinar on ‘The Future of Sustainable Business’, with the support from Catalyst, Mars, Incorporated’s internal think-tank and Mars China. Dr. ZHU Rui (Juliet), CKGSB’s Professor of Marketing, Academic Director for the EMBA Program, and Director of the Social Innovation and Business for Good Center, will share her latest research on environmental, social and governance (ESG) in China based on her new book ‘Companies of the Future: A Three-step Approach for Sustainable Business’ and Bruno ROCHE, Chief Economist of Mars, Incorporated and Founder of the Economics of Mutuality (EoM), will elaborate on the EoM movement and approach taken by companies like Mars in balancing profit and social responsibility. ZHOU Li, Assistant Dean of CKGSB, will join Juliet and Bruno to share his insights on social innovation and sustainable business as well.

Supporting Organizations: British Chamber of Commerce in China, Australian Chamber of Commerce in China, Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China




Professor of Marketing, Director of ESG and Social Innovation Center and Member of the Board of Supervisors of the Cheung Kong Education Development Foundation, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

PhD, University of Minnesota

Rui (Juliet) Zhu is Professor of Marketing, Director of the ESG and Social Innovation Center and Member of the Board of Supervisors of the Cheung Kong Education Development Foundation at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB). Prior to joining CKGSB, Juliet was associate professor of marketing, and Canada Research Chair in consumer behavior at the University of British Columbia (BC, Canada) and assistant professor of marketing at Rice University (USA). She received her Ph.D. in Marketing from University of Minnesota in 2003.

Prof. Zhu’s research interests center on behavioral science, social innovation, and brand management. Her research has been published in top journals, such as Science, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Marketing Research. She currently serves as associate editor for the Journal of Marketing. She has published two books, “Enterprises of the Future: A Three-step Approach for Sustainable Business” in 2020, and “Logic of Decision: Behavioral Psychology in Everyday Life” in 2022.

Download CV


Chief Economist of Mars, Incorporated; Founder of Economics of Mutuality

Bruno Roche is an economist, businessman, speaker and author. He is the founder and leader of the Economics of Mutuality, a new school of thought and a disruptive model for business performance designed to transform business at the core, restore broken relationships between business, society and the environment – and by doing so equip business to thrive by meeting the needs of the world.

He served as the Chief Economist of Mars, incorporated since 2006. In that position he has been leading Catalyst, a global thought leadership capability and internal corporate think tank to Mars which has been the laboratory for the Economics of Mutuality since 2006.

He co-created the Economics of Mutuality Labs at the business schools of Oxford University (SBS) and CEIBS (Shanghai); he is a visiting lecturer in different universities and serves as an expert to the World Economic Forum. His education and doctoral research interests followed an applied maths path with a specialization in international economics & finance and management sciences.

Bruno co-authored Completing Capitalism: Heal Business to Heal the World, which has been published in both English and Chinese. He has also co-edited an upcoming Oxford University Press book called Putting Purpose into Practice: the Economics of Mutuality with Saïd Business School’s Professor Colin Mayer.


8:00pm-8:05pm | Intro

ZHOU Li, Assistant Dean, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

8:05pm-8:15pm | Keynote speech

ZHU Rui Professor of Marketing, Academic Director for EMBA, Director of the Social Innovation and Business for Good Center, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

8:15pm-8:25pm | Keynote speech

Bruno ROCHE, Chief Economist, Mars, Incorporated; Founder, Economics of Mutuality

8:25pm-9:05pm | Panel Discussion

· Bruno ROCHE, Chief Economist, Mars, Incorporated; Founder, Economics of Mutuality

· ZHU Rui Professor of Marketing, Academic Director for EMBA, Director of the Social Innovation and Business for Good Center, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

· Moderator: ZHOU Li, Assistant Dean, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

9:05pm-9:25pm | Q&A

9:25pm-9:30pm | Conclusion

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