
2019 CKGSB Marketing Research Forum

  • Date: July 19, 2019 9:00 am
  • Location: Classroom 1, CKGSB Shanghai Campus,Hongqiao Vanke Center T5, 988 Lane Shenchang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai上海市闵行区申长路988弄虹桥万科中心5号楼
  • Language: English

About this event

Contact: For further information or any questions please email Ming CHENG at

Note: All interested marketing faculty and doctoral students are welcome to attend. Lunch, beverages and snacks will be served to all. Marketing faculty members are also invited to join the speakers for dinner. There is no registration fee.



Professor of Marketing, Director of ESG and Social Innovation Center and Member of the Board of Supervisors of the Cheung Kong Education Development Foundation, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

PhD, University of Minnesota

Rui (Juliet) Zhu is Professor of Marketing, Director of the ESG and Social Innovation Center and Member of the Board of Supervisors of the Cheung Kong Education Development Foundation at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB). Prior to joining CKGSB, Juliet was associate professor of marketing, and Canada Research Chair in consumer behavior at the University of British Columbia (BC, Canada) and assistant professor of marketing at Rice University (USA). She received her Ph.D. in Marketing from University of Minnesota in 2003.

Prof. Zhu’s research interests center on behavioral science, social innovation, and brand management. Her research has been published in top journals, such as Science, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Marketing Research. She currently serves as associate editor for the Journal of Marketing. She has published two books, “Enterprises of the Future: A Three-step Approach for Sustainable Business” in 2020, and “Logic of Decision: Behavioral Psychology in Everyday Life” in 2022.

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Wilfred Amaldoss

Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

Andrew Ching

Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University

SUN Tianshu

Professor of Information Systems and Director of the Center for Technology, Big Data and Digital Transformation, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

Sun Tianshu is the Professor of Information Systems and Director of the Center for Technology, Big Data and Digital Transformation at CKGSB. He has been tenured at USC Marshall School of Business, held a joint appointment in Computer Science and been recognized with Robert R. Dockson Named Professorship. 

Tianshu’s research is focused on digital transformation, digital technology, digital platform, and digital economy. His research conducted in collaboration with leading private and public sector organizations addresses how firms and governments can combine data analytics, field experiment, causal inference, machine learning, and economic models to improve business decisions and industry policies. He has worked closely with a variety of organizations including Facebook, Alibaba and Adobe. Many findings from these studies have been implemented by collaborating organizations.

Tianshu received his Bachelor in Physics from Nanjing University, and Master in Physics and PhD in Information Systems from University of Maryland.

Ravi Mehta

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Xiaojing Dong

Santa Clara University & LinkedIn


9:00-10:00am | How Smartphone Addiction Affects Adolescent Students’ Work Engagement and Psychological Well-being

Juliet Zhu

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

10:10-11:10am | Media Platforms’ Content Provision Strategy and Source of Profits

Wilfred Amaldoss

Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

11:20am-12:20pm | A Heuristic Approach to Explore: The Value of Perfect Information

Andrew Ching

Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University

12:30-13:30pm  | Lunch Break

12:30-13:00pm | Lunch Sharing Field Experiments in the Tech Industry across US and China: Some Observations

Tianshu Sun

Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

14:00-15:00pm | Prada Bags and Ice-cream Flavors: How Conspicuous Consumption Experiences Shape Consumer Creativity

Ravi Mehta

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

15:15-16:15pm | Estimation of Preference Heterogeneity in Markets with Costly Search

Xiaojing Dong

Santa Clara University & LinkedIn

16:30-17:30pm | Adding a Carrot to a Stick May Backfire: A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effects of Surcharge Donation

Xiuping Li

National University of Singapore

18:00pm     Dinner | Dinner

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