
CKGSB Marketing Research Forum

May 10, 2018

Marketing faculty and doctoral students are invited to attend this full day event, featuring presentations on a range of topics from professors at some of the top universities in North America and China.

Date: 2017.7.5, 9:00 – 18:00

Location: Beijing, Oriental Plaza, Tower E2, 20F

Language: English

Registration: To register, please click here.

Contact: For further information or any questions please email Chen Yu at


“Measuring Psychological Motivations in Contests: An Experimental Investigation”

SHI Mengze, University of Toronto


Whose Opinions Should We Trust? Those Who Buy or Those Who Review?”

SHEN Qiaowei, Peking University


“A Model of Two-Sided Costly Communication for Building New Product Category Demand”

Jiwoong SHIN, Yale University

Lunch Break


“Mobile Commerce: A Higher Friction Market”

CHEN Yubo, Tsinghua University


“Personalized Medicine and Big Data: The Value of Targeting”

NI Jian, Johns Hopkins University


“Probabilistic Topic Model for Hybrid Recommender Systems: A Stochastic Variational Bayesian Approach”

LI Yang, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business





Note: All interested marketing faculty and doctoral students are welcome to attend. Lunch, beverages and snacks will be served to all. Marketing faculty members are also invited to join the speakers for dinner. There is no registration fee.

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