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CKGSB Alumni Voices at the Two Sessions 2022

We highlight some of the proposals initiated by CKGSB alumni who are members of the National People’s Congress

Last week, China wrapped up its annual “Two Sessions”, a key event in the political calendar for China watchers to understand the nation’s economic and political policies for the year ahead. In this article we highlight some of the proposals initiated by CKGSB alumni who are members of the National People’s Congress, the national legislature, or Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the top advisory body, to give you a snapshot of some of China’s 2022 policy focus.

On Carbon Neutrality and Green Economy

Li Dongsheng, Founder of TCL and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, proposes to establish a pilot system to manage individual carbon footprint. He believes that people in China lack the proactivity and the knowledge to lead a greener life and, therefore, calls for the establishment of a carbon footprint quota system to monitor individuals’ carbon emission in lifestyle and consumption as a way to motivate people to be more sustainable.

Wang Zhaoming, Chairman of Mengcao Ecology and CKGSB’s EMBA alumnus, proposes to increase carbon sink plantations in China, to enable companies to offset their emissions and promote regional development. Unlike forestry carbon sinks, carbon sequestration in grasslands currently lacks standards and guidelines. He proposes that the government, research institutions and companies work together to create a national standard for grassland carbon sinks.

Pei Chunliang, an alumnus of CKGSB’s EMBA program, proposes to promote eco-friendly agricultural practices in China’s rural areas, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality. He proposes initiatives to promote R&D in sustainable agricultural machinery, reduce coal consumption, and encourage local emissions trading driven by the government, companies and individuals.

Nan Cunhui, President of CHINT Group and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, proposes to optimize the current carbon trading system. “Combined with green electricity and carbon reduction, a well-functioning carbon trading market would lead to the development of the new energy sector.” He advises to improve the current carbon trading system by involving more trading parties and enriching products.

Liu Hanyuan, Chairman of Tongwei Group and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, proposes that the country should support the development of renewable energy, such as the photovoltaic energy sector, by excluding the energy consumption of raw materials and productions, to meet the country’s greater demand for power.

On Rural Revitalization

Xu Jiankang, Chairman and President of Powerlong Real Estate and CKGSB CEO program alumnus, proposes that local governments should issue favorable loan and tax policies to attract young talents to work in their rural hometowns. He also proposes that real estate companies can construct multipurpose complexes in rural areas, where farmers can continue with their agricultural activities while developing tourism by providing agricultural tours and hospitality services.

Yan Ming, President of Xi’an LUCKYKING Group and CKGSB EMBA alumnus, proposes to improve senior care services in rural areas as elderly people there have less access to quality services and their children are often not around as many of them choose to work in large cities.

Wang Lianzeng, President of Huayu Agricultural Science and Technology Company and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, advises to build brands for distinctive local agricultural products and to integrate agricultural branding with certification systems, such as certificates of origin, organic produce certificates and sustainable agriculture certification.

On SMEs and Private Companies

Yan Ming, President of Xi’an LUCKYKING Group and CKGSB EMBA alumnus, proposes to establish financial institutions that provide financing to small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and offer loans with low interest rates and no collateral to companies that are major job creators or are socially beneficial and innovative.

Zhou Hongyi, Founder, President and CEO of 360 Group and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, proposes to issue standards to regulate the digital security of SMEs and to encourage large Internet security companies to provide free security services to SMEs.

Xu Guanju, President of Transfar and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, proposes that governments should understand private companies’ conditions through constant conversations before issuing any new policies, and allow for reasonable transitions for policy implementation, so that companies would face fewer uncertainties.

On Elderly Care

Yuan Yafei, Founder and President of SanPower Group and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, proposes that government encourages the development of home care for the elderly through building a set of standards to improve the efficiency of big-data-based services.

Yang Wenlong, Chairman and President of Renhe Group and CKGSB’s CEO program alumnus, proposes that the central government establish a state-level authority to manage senior care to optimize the governing structure of the industry. He also mentions that as its population ages, China should encourage senior care institutions to work with Internet medical care organizations and hospitals to provide more integrated services that include “medical treatment and check-ups and medicine prescription and insurances.”

Cui Ronghua, Chairman of Roffar and CKGSB EMBA alumna, proposes that China should encourage financial institutions to provide credit to the senior care industry and encourage insurance companies to invest in senior care institutions.

Geng Xuemei, Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Anhui Province and CKGSB EMBA alumna, proposes to speed up the introduction of the proposal of the Senior Care Law to clarify the roles of government, elderly care institutions, communities and relevant individuals, regulate industrial behaviors and protect the rights of senior citizens.

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