
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business presents Eurasia’s first unicorn-themed program for next generation business leaders, in partnership with The World Government Summit of UAE, The Executive Council of Dubai, Whampoa Group, Seoul Municipal Government & Maekyung Media Group.


Leaders of the future


(Each program)









Acquire top-level insight into ASEAN via exclusive access to the Asia Business Summit: New Frontiers in Innovation, Impact and Investment. Learn about one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest-growing regions with a high concentration of future-oriented economic disruptors.

Engage with world-class faculty, key decision-makers across public and private sectors and influential investors to identify exceptional opportunities and foster innovation at your organization.

Face-to-face exchange with entrepreneurs and unicorn founders to learn what it takes to succeed in the ASEAN region. Supercharge your business strategies with vital do’s and don’ts.

Become a part of an unrivalled ecosystem of business leaders, disruptors and investors who are driving socially-responsible growth.

Who should attend?

With the aim to build a global ecosystem to foster a new generation of unicorns with an enhanced emphasis on global responsibility, social purpose and a long-term perspective, the unicorn programs are tailored to the following organizations and individuals:

Global Unicorn Program in Singapore

The CKGSB Global Unicorn Program at Singapore puts you at the center of Southeast Asia’s economic disruption ecosystem. Gain essential insights, connections, and know-how that will help you thrive in an era of global uncertainty.


Gain future-proof insights: Hear from tech-savvy academic gurus and industry heavyweights on economic disruption and digital transformation

Direct access to regional ecosystem: Engage with local entrepreneurs, policymakers, investors, key decision-makers, and like-minded business peers

Develop actionable strategies: Expand your cognitive and strategic toolkit to grasp growth opportunities and sustain competitiveness

Learn with the best: Build potential partnerships with a highly-influential network of business leaders

Program Information

  • LanguageEnglish

Global Unicorn Program in Singapore

  • Dates

    May 16-19, 2023

  • Tuition

    USD 8,000

    CKGSB Alumni receive a 20% discount
  • Contact
    Mara Yuan

Program Agenda

  • Tuesday May 16 – Asia Business Summit

    13:00-14:00  Forum registration

    14:00- 14:10  Opening and Welcome Remarks

    • Host: Li Xin, Caixin
    • Li Haitao, Professor and Associate Dean, CKGSB
    • Amy Lee, Co-founder, Whampoa Group

    14:10 – 14:30  Keynote 1 New Challenges and Opportunities for Business and Innovation in RCEP

    14:30 – 14:50  Keynote 2 China’s Business Landscape in the Global Context: 2023 and Beyond

    • Xiang Bing, Founding Dean, CKGSB

    14:50– 15:50  Panel 1 Navigating Global Uncertainties:the Perspective of RCEP

    Moderated by:

    • Li Haitao, Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance, Associate Dean for Degree Programs, CKGSB


    • Brian San, Executive Director, Partnerships and Strategic Development, Wealth Management Institute
    • Katsuhiro SATO, Professor of Strategy and Finance, Waseda Business School
    • WANG Guangyu, Founder and Chairman, China Soft Capital

    15:50 – 16:50  Panel 2 Scaling up in RCEP

    Moderated by:

    • Hau Lee, The Thoma Professor of Operations, Information & Technology, Stanford


    • Kim Jong Yoon, CEO, Yanolja and Yanolja Cloud
    • Oi-Yee Choo, CEO, ADDX
    • Liu Yongyan, Founder, Fintopia

    16:50-17:00  Closing Keynote

    17:00-17:10  Closing Remarks

    • SUN Tianshu, Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB

    18:00-20:00  Program Reception and Icebreaking

  • Wednesday May 17 - Program


    • Next Generation Unicorns
      XIANG Bing, Founding Dean and Professor of China Business and Globalization, CKGSB

    10:50 – 12:00

    • Unicorns: The Case of China
      Moderated by: LI Haitao, Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance, Associate Dean for Degree Programs, CKGSB
    • Panelists:
      Fan Min, Founder, Group
      Liu Zhixiong, Chairman, 3nod Group
      Zhou Xin, Founder, E-House


    • The Role of Innovation and Alpha Assets in Sustained Competitive Advantage
      Karl Ulrich, Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions, Professor of Management, Advisor on Asia Strategy, Wharton

    18:00-20:00  Themed Dinner

    • Panel discussion – Web 3.0: Risks and Opportunities
    • Chaired by: SUN Tianshu, Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB
    • Panelists:
      Liang Xinjun, Former CEO, Fosun Group
      Jeffrey Ma, Co-Founding GP and Co-CIO, Whampoa Digital
  • Thursday May 18 - Program


    • Customer-centric Strategies in a Digital Era followed with a dialogue on ESG
      David Bell, former Chaired Professor, Wharton, and Co-founder and President, Idea Farm Ventures


    • The Three A-s of Value Chains: Agility, Adaptability, Alignment
      Hau LEE, The Thoma Professor of Operations, Information & Technology, Stanford

    15:30 – 17:00

    • Company Visit
      ByteDance Plus
  • Friday May 19 - Program


    • Digital Platforms & Digital Technology in the US, China and Southeast Asia: Observations on Digital Ecosystems
      SUN Tianshu, Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB


    • Unicorns: the cases of RCEP
      Moderated by: SUN Tianshu, Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB

    15:00 – 17:00

    • Action Learning: Renewed Global Expansion Plans
      Presentors: Selected program participants
    • Chaired by: SUN Tianshu, Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB
    • With a panel of investor commentators

    17:00-17:30  Debrief and Certificate Awarding

    • Led by: SUN Tianshu, Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB

    18:00-20:00  Closing dinner

Regional Experts
  • XIANG Bing
    Founding Dean and Professor of 
China Business and Globalization, CKGSB
  • Hau LEE
    The Thoma Professor of Operations, Information & Technology, Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • Karl Ulrich
    Professor of Operations, Information 
and Decisions Research, Wharton
  • David Bell
    Former Chaired Professor, Wharton, 
and Co-founder and President, 
Idea Farm Ventures
  • LI Haitao
    Dean's Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance, Associate Dean of 
Degree Programs. CKGSB
  • SUN Tianshu
    Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB
  • FAN Min
    Co-founder, Vice Chairman of the Board and President, Group
  • Jong-yoon KIM
    Founder & CEO, Yanolja


Join us on a journey to
become a unicorn!

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