Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), one of the top MBA programs in China, invites you to join us in Seoul as we launch a new scholarship for Korean students for the 2013 MBA class, the CKGSB Jang Bo Go Scholarship.
Munhwa Ilbo, one of Korean general dailies, published an article based on the interview with Professor Li Wei of CKGSB. The interview, conducted at CKGSB Beijing Campus, focused upon the insights of Professor Li on the prospects of Chinese economy. He explained that in both short and long terms, China would not face critical problems, but current limitations of China's policy measures could cause serious problems in the mid-term. While sharing his insights on various aspects of domestic economy and relationship with other nations, he also indicated pursuing RMB internationalization as a pivotal task of the second-term government of President Xi Jinping.
This winter, take a minute to meet up with current CKGSB MBA students, elite alumni, and prestigious professors.
CKGSB has announced a knowledge partnership agreement with ‘China Lab’, a Korean top-tier news portal joint venture project. China Lab delivers in-depth, interesting content that focus on various aspects of today’s China. CKGSB and China Lab have agreed to foster a mutually beneficial relationship of knowledge sharing. CKGSB will provide content from CKGSB Knowledge and later expand the partnership to offline components as well.
This winter, take a minute to meet up with current CKGSB MBA students, elite alumni, and prestigious professors. They are able to answer your questions about MBA study and address any concerns
Institutional investors play dominant role in both the stock and the bond markets in the U.S. and are increasingly important in China.
In today's revolution of computer and information technology there is an abundance of readily available information to be exploited as part of marketing practice.
The banking system is called on to provide both growth and stability for the economy and change is viewed with caution. Nowhere is this more true than for the cost of borrowing, interest rates.
Learn about the strengths that will help you accelerate your career. On Dec. 16th, join Gavin Liu, Senior Manager of CKGSB's Career Management Center
Common sense says that in a recession, consumers purchase less. Customers are less willing to spend when faced with uncertainty and decreased purchasing power.
Join CKGSB MBA for an afternoon of leading business insight as Prof. Teng, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Strategy at CKGSB, presents
C.J. Kim, founder and director of the specialized rehabilitation center DaeJeon Wellness Hospital, shared the insight he gained from CKGSB’s Korean EMBA program and how it helped him understand the business environment in China. He highlighted the benefits of CKGSB, such as establishing network with other students whom he is now setting a new business together. Based on the insight he gained from CKGSB, he plans to make the DaeJeon Wellness Hospital grow in to a prominent healthcare corporation in Asia.