
Financial Times introduces the IMD-CKGSB Dual Executive MBA Program

March 14, 2014

On the evening of March 12th 2014, CKGSB joined hands with Europe’s leading executive business school IMD to announce the CKGSB-IMD Dual Executive MBA. Writing for the Financial Times, Business Education Editor Della Bradshaw introduces the programme where East and West teach each other how to succeed in business and entrepreneurship.  

On the evening of March 12th 2014, CKGSB joined hands with Europe’s leading executive business school IMD to announce the CKGSB-IMD Dual Executive MBA. Writing for the Financial Times, Business Education Editor Della Bradshaw introduces the programme where East and West teach each other how to succeed in business and entrepreneurship.

Prof Xiang says IMD has “more experience with senior people” than traditional business schools and was therefore a good choice for CKGSB which targets the “top of the pyramid”, as Prof Xiang calls it. “We concentrate on chairmen and CEOs.”

Read IMD and Cheung Kong to launch EMBA in Europe and China on the Financial Times website (subscribers only).

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