
China Should Play a More Active Role in Global Community

April 11, 2014

Watch CKGSB Dean Xiang Bing’s feature in CCTV’s ‘Biz Asia’, as he discusses the further opening up of China’s economy and promoting understanding between corporations.

In addition to making several appearances on stage at this year’s Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference as a panelist and moderator, Dr. Xiang Bing, Founding Dean and a Professor of Chinese Business and Globalization at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), was also the subject of much media interest.

In the accompanying video, Dean Xiang speaks to Guan Xin from CCTV News about the further opening up of China’s economy and promoting understanding between corporations. Dean Xiang argues that, while China’s economy can be considered among the most open and diverse in the world, China still needs to become more global and take a more central role on the world stage. In an echo of comments made at the forum by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Dean Xiang also says that economic openness is essential for China’s economic progress, arguing that diversity is a precondition for harmony.

Other figures interviewed by Guan Xin at this year’s Boao Forum included Nobel Prize-winning economists Michael Spence and Edmund Phelps, Standard Life Chairman Gerry Grimstone, former World Bank China director Yukon Huang and Boston Consulting Group Chairman Hans-Paul Bürkner.

 Please click here for link to the original video.

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