Digital Transformation, Digital Platform Strategy, Digital Technology (Cloud Computing, Big Data, SaaS/PaaS), Data Science & Data-driven Decision-Making (Causal Inference, Experiment, ML/AI), Digital Economy and Data Regulation, Internet Platforms and Fintech, Information Systems and Enterprise Software, Omni-channel Retail, Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Information Systems, Executive Academic Director for Business Scholars Program and Director of the Center for Digital Transformation, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)
PhD, University of Maryland
Tianshu Sun 孙天澍 is a Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Information Systems and Director of the Center for Digital Transformation at CKGSB. He has been tenured at USC Marshall School of Business, held a joint appointment in Computer Science and been recognized with Robert R. Dockson Named Professorship.
Tianshu’s research is focused on digital transformation, digital technology, digital platform, and digital economy. Tianshu’s research conducted in collaboration with leading private and public sector organizations addresses how firms and governments can combine data analytics, field experiment, causal inference, machine learning, and economic models to improve business decisions and industry policies. His current research aims to understand 1) the technology, organizational and strategy factors that drive successful digital transformation of enterprises and local economies, 2) how firms and government can facilitate and regulate the use of personal data in the digital economy; 3) how digital platforms can design data-driven interventions to influence social sharing; 4) how organizations can leverage mobile and internet-of-things to integrate E-commerce and offline retail.
Tianshu has worked closely with a variety of organizations including Facebook, Alibaba and Adobe. Many findings from these studies have been implemented by collaborating organizations.
Tianshu has given over 80 talks at top universities (Harvard, MIT, Wharton, Chicago, CMU, NYU, etc.) and international conferences, and has over a dozen research papers published in top journals such as Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, QME and Journal of Health Economics. Tianshu’s research has received 16 Best Paper Awards (ICIS, CIST, WITS, INFORMS), and served as the Associate Editors at ISR, Management Science and MISQ. Tianshu has developed a series of new courses on Digital Transformation, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Platforms and was honored with USC Golden Apple Award (for Best Professors).
Tianshu received his Bachelor in Physics from Nanjing University, and Master in Physics and PhD in Information Systems from University of Maryland.