23 CKGSB Alumni Named on 2021 Forbes China Philanthropy List

In the recent 2021 Forbes China Philanthropy List, 23 of the 100 top Chinese entrepreneurs who had made the most contributions to public welfare were CKGSB alumni. Compiled based on cash donations of individual and corporate donors in China during 2020, this year’s list represents 221.7 billion RMB (approx. US $34.21 billioncash donations made to charity, in which CKGSB 23 alumnis contributions of 63 billion RMB (approx. US $9.72 billion) make up 30% of the total amount.

In addition to the Philanthropy List, CKGSB alumni also had a prominent presence in other lists that Forbes China recently released, amplifying CKGSB’s positioning as the preferred choice for business leaders:

  • 2021 Forbes China’s 50 Best CEO: 7 CKGSB alumni listed
  • 2021 Forbes China’s 100 Top Businesswomen: 11 CKGSB alumni listed
  • 2021 Forbes China’s 50 Women in Tech: 2 CKGSB alumni listed
  • 2021 Forbes China’s 20 Up-and-coming Businesswomen: 1 CKGSB alumni listed
  • 2021 Forbes China’s 100 Most Innovative Companies: 6 CKGSB alumni companies were listed

Since its establishment in 2002, philanthropy has been part of CKGSB’s DNA and core responsibility. CKGSB’s vision is to influence the Chinese business community in addressing societys most challenging problems and sharing best practices in social innovation from China with the world. We are proud of our alumni in their unwavering dedication to give back to society as evidenced in the recent Forbes rankings!

Click here for more information on CKGSBs efforts in social innovation and social responsibility. 



Industry Experts Join CKGSB Professor, Zhu Rui, to Assess China’s ESG Environment at Asia House Event


Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKBSB) Professor of Marketing and Director of the Social Innovation and Business for Good Center, Zhu Rui, along with industry experts shared insights on China’s global environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, its new environmental impact regulations and the future of ESG investment.  Zhu was joined by Wang Xitong (Adeeb), Head of Senior Affairs/Senior Associate at Everbright Belt & Road Green Fund, Michelle Cameron, Head of Sustainable Investment and Finance Sales, Asia at Refinitiv (a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group), and Phyllis Papadavid, Head of Research and Advisory at Asia House, at an event hosted by Asia House on May 17. 


Optimism and Growth


Professor Zhu kicked off the webinar with a discussion on how attitudes towards ESG in China are shifting, “When I started teaching in 2016, the concept [of ESG] was very rarely known among my Chinese audience. Over the years, I saw a change in terms of how much people are paying attention [to ESG]”. Since 2021, Zhu has been leading the “Social Innovation and Business for Good” Field Course at CKGSB. The one-year, socially-minded field course requires students to initiate sustainable business practices in their companies or organizations. This field course started as a core course in the school’s Executive MBA program and is now being expanded to other programs.


The panelists expressed optimism towards the current ESG landscape. Zhu said, “during times of crisis, I see a greater demand from the public and consumers asking companies to pay more attention to be more responsible, to adopt ESG principles.”


Wang was also optimistic about the direction ESG is taking in China. He mentioned that the cumulative returns of the CSI 500 ESG benchmark index are 8.1% higher than the parent index.


He pointed out some key regulations in China: In 2020, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange required all listed companies to disclose ESG reports. In 2020, the China Banking and Interest Regulatory Commission issued a guidance requiring banking and financial institutions to incorporate ESG reporting into the entire credit granting process. In April 2022, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued deadlines for listed companies to include ESG in the communication content of investor relations for the first time.”


However, Papadavid noted, “the push for sustainability comes at a time of heightened geopolitical and macroeconomic risk, and the nature of the slowdown means that persistent weakness in certain sectors of the economy will take precedence over the push for sustainability.” 


Worldwide Challenges


One of the key themes that featured in the webinar was the challenge to ESG reporting in China and around the world due to a lack of unified standards in ESG reporting.


When Zhu first started teaching ESG related courses, she used the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) which categorizes ESG standards across 77 industries. However, Zhu highlighted, “there are a lot of these guidelines around the world and criteria you have to meet, but some of them don’t quite fit into the Chinese context. For example, in the gaming industry, which falls into the “Internet Media and Service Industries” category, its ESG criteria relates to consumer privacy, data privacy, employee engagement and inclusiveness. But these issues are not what Chinese computer game companies pay attention to. They care more about gaming addiction in adolescents.” Zhu is now working with her colleagues to promote initiatives and guidelines for each industry centering around ESG principles in a Chinese context.


Cameron agreed with Professor Zhu, saying that “there are different weightings that need to be applied across different sectors depending on which parts of ESG they have more exposure to.” She also identified the problem that, due to many ESG data providers, there are many ways in which the data is collected.


Further discussion involved data consistency required for global ESG reporting. Cameron said, “we need to get to a point where we can run and compare data across the globe and look at the differences between the industries in the different jurisdictions.”


Wang developed this point further: “A lack of globally accepted standards is a problem…we have seen a lot of ESG or green finance rating agencies in the market, but each of them has their own set of ESG or green finance indicators and their own approaches to give ESG and green finance scores. A unified standard for ESG or green finance is important not only for investors but also for consultancy firms.”



LIN Song

Song Lin is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He holds a PhD in Marketing from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests include product and pricing polices, platform design, consumer learning and search, new products, and advertising.  He has won the 2013 INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, and the finalist for the 2015 John Little Award for the best marketing paper published in Marketing Science and Management Science.

Letting Logos Speak: A Machine Learning Approach to Data-Driven Logo Design

Ryan Dew, Asim Ansari, Olivier Toubia

Logos serve a fundamental role in branding as the visual figurehead of the brand. Yet, due to the difficulty of using unstructured image data, prior research on logo design has been largely limited to non-quantitative studies. In this work, we explore logo design from a data-driven perspective. In particular, we aim to answer several key questions: first, to what degree can logos represent a brand’s personality? Second, what are the key visual elements in logos that elicit brand and firm relevant associations, such as brand personality traits? Finally, given text describing a firm’s brand or function, can we suggest features of a logo that elicit the firm’s desired image? To answer these questions, we develop a novel logo feature extraction algorithm, that uses modern image processing tools to decompose unstructured pixel-level image data into meaningful visual features. We then analyze the links between firm identity, and the features of its logo, through both predictive modelling, and a probabilistic model which links visual features with textual descriptions of firms. We apply our modeling framework on a dataset of hundreds of logos, textual descriptions from firms’ websites, third party descriptions of firms, and consumer evaluations of brand personality to explore these questions.

Ryan Dew

Ryan Dew is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania, and his M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Marketing from Columbia University. His research explores how machine learning and Bayesian statistical methodologies can solve real world marketing problems, with a particular interest in the domains of customer relationship management, preference dynamics and estimation, and data-driven design. His recent work, Bayesian Nonparametric Customer Base Analysis with Model-based Visualizations, has been published in Marketing Science. His on-going research focuses on understanding and predicting how consumer preferences change over time, through novel hierarchical nonparametric models, and on understanding the underpinnings of effective logo design from a data-driven perspective, utilizing image processing and machine learning techniques. His dissertation, Machine Learning Methods for Data-driven Decisions, was a winner of the ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, the Marketing Section of the American Statistical Association’s Doctoral Research Award, and was an honorable mention in the Marketing Science Institute’s Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition.

The Role of the Physical Store: Developing Customer Value through ‘Fit Product’ Purchases

Chun-wei Chang, Jonathan Z. Zhang, Scott Neslin

Recent trends suggest retailers are ambivalent regarding the contribution of the physical retail store.  Ironically, several traditionally offline retailers are closing stores, while some traditionally online retailers are opening them.  This raises the question, what is the role of the physical retail store in today’s multichannel environment?  We posit that the type of product purchased, “fit” or “non-fit”, impacts subsequent customer value, and that purchasing fit products offline is especially effective at creating high value customers. We formulate a multivariate hidden Markov model (HMM) to investigate how customers make product and channel decisions. The HMM identifies two dynamic states – low-value and high-value. We hypothesize and find that fit-product purchases accelerate customer migration to the high-value state, especially if those purchases are made in the physical store. We theorize this occurs because buying fit products requires customer engagement, the physical store excels at providing this engagement, and engagement leads to higher customer satisfaction and hence value.  In addition, we find that offline marketing communication, specifically direct mail, enhances the likelihood the customer buys fit products offline and hence migrates customers to the high-value state, or keeps them at high value if they are already there. Our findings identify a strategic role that fit products and retail stores play in customer development, and show that marketing can help implement this strategy.

Scott Neslin

Scott A. Neslin is the Albert Wesley Frey Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College.  He has been a visiting scholar at the Yale School of Management, the Fuqua School of Business, and Columbia Business School. Professor Neslin’s expertise is in the fields of customer relationship management, measurement of marketing effectiveness, sales promotion, and advertising.  He has published several papers on these topics in leading academic journals.  He is co-author with Robert C. Blattberg and Byung-Do Kim of the book, Database Marketing:  Analyzing and Managing Customers, co-authors with Robert C. Blattberg of the book, Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies, and author of the Marketing Science Institute monograph, Sales Promotion. Professor Neslin has served as President of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) and is an ISMS Fellow.

The Impact of Soda Taxes on Nutritional Intake and Welfare

Stephan Seiler, Anna Tuchman, Song Yao

Price-based interventions are widely considered by policy makers as a tool to shift customers’ behavior. This paper investigates one such policy intervention where a local government imposed a tax on sweetened beverages in order to discourage unhealthy food consumption and fight obesity and diet-related diseases. Through an extensive set of analyses, we document the effect of the tax on retailers’ pricing decisions and market demand for taxed products and substitutes. We show that the tax on sweetened beverages has had limited effects in reducing total consumption or leading to a shift in consumption towards healthier products. Furthermore, the financial burden is the highest for low income households, while higher income households avoid the tax by driving to stores outside the taxed zone.

YAO Song

Song Yao is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Professor Yao has won the 2012  Paul Green Best Paper Award and the 2009 John Howard Dissertation Award, both of which are sponsored by the American Marketing Association. He was the finalist for INFORMS Long Term Impact Award in 2017, the Frank Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award in 2011 and 2012, the John Little Best Paper Award in 2009 and 2011. He has also been selected by the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) as one of the MSI Young Scholars of 2017. He serves on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. Professor Yao’s research interests include quantitative marketing, online marketing, advertising, pricing, and customer management. His publications appear in leading academic journals, including Management Science, Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing Research, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. Professor Yao received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Duke University, M.A. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles, and B.A. in Economics from the Renmin University of China.