
The Economist's 2013 China Summit

December 23, 2017

CKGSB is pleased to support the Economist’s China Summit on December 5, 2013, in Beijing. Chaired by John Micklethwait, Editor-in-chief, and moderated by six editors of The Economist, China Summit 2013 will bring together business leaders, policymakers, academics and observers who wish to discuss, debate and learn about the opportunities and challenges of doing business in China.

Mr. Xi is revealing his plans for the coming years. How will it impact corporate China?

Register* now and find out at China Summit 2013 

CKGSB is pleased to support the Economist’s China Summit on December 5, 2013, in Beijing. Chaired by John Micklethwait, Editor-in-chief, and moderated by six editors of The Economist, China Summit 2013 will bring together business leaders, policymakers, academics and observers who wish to discuss, debate and learn about the opportunities and challenges of doing business in China. Featured speakers will include: 

  • He Yafei, Vice Minister, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, State Council, Former Vice Minister,Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Fan Cheng, Executive Director, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Air China
  • Ed Tse, Senior Executive Advisor, Greater China, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Kenneth Lieberthal, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development,Brookings Institution
  • Matt Ferchen, Resident Scholar, Carnegie-Tsinghua Centre for Global Policy
  • Yukon Huang, Former Country Director, The World Bank, Senior Associate, Asia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Sergio Amaral, Former Trade Minister, Government of Brazil, President, China-Brazil Business Council
  • Anne Stevenson-Yang, Founder and Research Director, J Capital Research
  • Jerome Cohen, Professor of Law, New York University School of Law
  • Zha Daojiong, Professor of International Political Economy, Peking University
  • Neil Shen, Founder and Managing Partner, Sequoia China Fund
  • Zhang Yunzhou, President, State Grid Energy Research Institute
  • Wu Changhua, Greater China Director, The Climate Group
  • Abdalla Hamdok, Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

View the full program and the speaker list on the China Summit 2013 official website.

We look forward to your participation at China Summit 2013.

* Register today at China Summit and receive the special subscription offer from The Economist.

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