
Professor Li Xiaoyang and CKGSB EMBA Student Li Kan Speak at the 15th World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, Korea

October 27, 2014

On October 15, Li Xiaoyang, CKGSB Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance, and Li Kan, Managing Partner of Long Capital & Partners (Venture Capital in TMT sector) who is also a current EMBA student at CKGSB, took part in the “CKGSB MBA” Session at the World Knowledge Forum (WKF), one of Asia’s largest business forums, held in Seoul, Korea.

Source: Maeil Business Newspaper

On October 15, Li Xiaoyang, CKGSB Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance, and Li Kan, Managing Partner of Long Capital & Partners (Venture Capital in TMT sector) who is also a current EMBA student at CKGSB, took part in the “CKGSB MBA” Session at the World Knowledge Forum (WKF), one of Asia’s largest business forums, held in Seoul, Korea.

During their one-hour speech, Professor Li Xiaoyang and Mr. Li Kan gave presentations under the theme of ‘The Trend of Chinese Cross-Border M&As and their Implications for the Korean Market’. The talk was followed by an in-depth Q&A session with business people selected from a crowd of around 200 participants. A couple of major trends in Chinese cross-border M&As that Prof. Li mentioned include: BAT (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent)’s expansion through acquisitions; hybrid ownership reforms presenting private enterprises with golden opportunities; and private companies being more active than SOEs. After the speech, Professor Li and Mr. Li discussed some examples of recent overseas acquisitions by Chinese companies in interviews with Fortune Korea and Aju Business.

The World Knowledge Forum kicked off with an introductory event in September featuring Thomas Piketty, Professor at the Paris School of Economics and author of the bestselling ‘Capital in the 21st Century’. Other notable speakers who attended this year’s World Knowledge Forum include former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Fan Gang, Director of the National Economic Research Institute in China, and Jeremy Rifkin, President of The Foundation on Economic Trends and bestselling author of 20 books, including his latest, ‘The Zero Marginal Cost Society’.

Detailed information about the World Knowledge Forum can be found at

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