
Prestigious Accreditation Award Brings Increased Credibility and Awareness

December 18, 2015

Earlier this year, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) was awarded EQUIS accreditation by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).

Earlier this year, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) was awarded EQUIS accreditation by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).


The EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) is the leading international system of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of higher education institutions in management and business administration. Its fundamental objective, linked to the mission of EFMD, is to raise the standard of management education worldwide.


“We are delighted to gain official accreditation from EQUIS, which is well recognized around the world,” said Dr. Xiang Bing, Founding Dean of CKGSB. “It will give us more opportunities to exchange best practices with other leading business schools. We are confident that it will also help us continue to innovate in developing global leaders of today and tomorrow.”


In announcing that CKGSB had been accredited for an initial period of three years, Prof. Michael Osbaldeston, the EFMD Director of Quality Services & EQUIS Director, commented, “EQUIS accreditation ensures a rigorous quality improvement process, involving a thorough self-assessment, a visit of an international peer review team and finally a very experienced Awarding Body evaluating the assessment and findings of the review team to determine whether the School should be granted accreditation. EQUIS benchmarks the School against international standards in terms of governance, programs, faculty, students, research and foremost, corporate engagement, internationalization and ethics, responsibility and sustainability. There are currently no substitutes for such an in-depth assessment of quality.”


Now that CKGSB has been accredited by EQUIS, the school’s programs enjoy heightened awareness and credibility, especially within the international community. A German alumnus from the MBA program commented, “It is big news for me that CKGSB has EQUIS accreditation”. With the EQUIS accreditation granted, new options are available to the MBA program including taking part in other global assessment and ranking platforms.

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