
New E-Commerce Trends in China & India

February 22, 2018

The Customer Information Management Center of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) and The China India Insights Program (CIIP) of the Center for Customer Insights at the Yale School of Management invite you to attend a Knowledge Series panel discussion on New E-Commerce Trends in China & India followed by a reception of Chinese and Indian hors d'oeuvres from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, September 17, 2015.

A CKGSB Event in Partnership with Yale School of Management

The Customer Information Management Center of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) and The China India Insights Program (CIIP) of the Center for Customer Insights at the Yale School of Management invite you to attend a Knowledge Series panel discussion on New E-Commerce Trends in China & India followed by a reception of Chinese and Indian hors d’oeuvres from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, September 17, 2015.

The discussion and reception will be a complimentary pre-cursor to the seventh annual China India Insights Conference on September 18-19, 2015.

Panel Moderator:

  • K. Sudhir, James L. Frank Professor of Marketing, Private Enterprise and Management at Yale School of Management and Director of the Yale China India Insights (CIIP) Program (confirmed)

Invited Panelists:

  • Zhiwu Chen, Professor of Finance at Yale School of Management (confirmed)
  • Venky Shankar, Professor of Marketing and Coleman Chair in Marketing at Mays Business School, Texas A&M University (invited)
  • Arun Sundararajan, Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences, Robert L. & Dale Atkins Rosen Faculty Fellow at NYU Stern School of Business (confirmed)
  • Doreen Wang, Global Head of BrandZ, Millward Brown (confirmed)


Date: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, September 17, 2015.


Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

601 Lexington Ave., 26th Floor

New York, NY 10022

Register HERE today.


K. Sudhir (confirmed)

James L. Frank Professor of Private Enterprise and Management, Professor of Marketing & Director of the China India Insights Program

K. Sudhir is James L. Frank Professor of Marketing, Private Enterprise and Management and director of the Yale China India Insights (CIIP) Program. His research focuses on gaining market insights by analyzing consumer and firm actions through econometric modeling. As director of the China India Insights Program, he also specializes in research on consumers in emerging markets. He has consulted for Fortune 500 U.S. firms and Indian firms across many industries such as technology, financial services, entertainment, and retailing, specializing in analyzing their internal data to obtain actionable market insights. He leads the data-driven academic-industry research partnerships at the Yale Center for Customer Insights (YCCI).

Professor Sudhir’s research has been honored with numerous best paper awards across all major quantitative marketing journals. Two of his papers were nominated among the top ten papers published in the last ten years in Marketing Science and Management Science for their Long-Term Impact over three consecutive years from 2009-2011. He has received the Little and Bass Best Paper Awards at Marketing Science and the Lehmann Award at the Journal of Marketing Research; and honorable mentions for the Wittink Award in Quantitative Marketing and Economics and Best Paper Award in International Journal of Research in Marketing. He has also been a finalist for the Paul Green Award at the Journal of Marketing Research.

He currently serves as Senior Editor at Marketing Science. Prior to accepting the Senior Editor position, he served as an Associate Editor at Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. He was also on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Retailing.

Zhiwu Chen (confirmed)

Professor of Finance at Yale School of Management

Professor Zhiwu Chen is an expert on finance theory, securities valuation, emerging markets, and China’s economy and capital markets. Dr. Chen started his career by publishing research papers in top economics and finance journals on topics related to financial markets and theories of asset pricing. Around 2001, Dr. Chen began to expand his research focus by going beyond mature markets and investigating market development and institution-building issues in the context of China’s transition process and other emerging markets. What institutions are necessary for markets to develop? Why is finance important for society? How does financial development affect social structure and individual freedom? His work has been featured in newspapers and magazines in the United States, Hong Kong, China and other countries. He is a frequent contributor to media publications in China on topics of economic policy, market development and legal reform. His list of books published in China includes: How Is Wealth Created? (2005), Media, Law and Markets (2005), Why Are the Chinese Industrious and Yet Not Rich? (2008), Irrational Overconfidence? (2008), The Logic of Finance (2009), 24 Wealth Lectures (2009), and Assessing China’s Economic Growth of the Past 30 Years (2010).

Venky Shankar (invited)

Professor of Marketing and Coleman Chair in Marketing at Mays Business School, Texas A&M University

Venkatesh (Venky) Shankar is Professor of Marketing and Coleman Chair in Marketing and Director of Research at the Center for Retailing Studies, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. His areas of specialization include Digital Business, Marketing Strategy, Innovation, New Product Management, Retailing, Services Marketing, Pricing, International Marketing, Branding, and Mobile Marketing. Shankar has a Ph.D. in marketing from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University and has corporate experience in the areas of marketing and international business development. He has worked in diverse countries.

He has been recognized as one among the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds by Thomson Reuters and one of the Top 10 experts on innovation management worldwide. Shankar has won awards from such sources as the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Marketing Science Institute (MSI). He has published in academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Harvard Business Review, and Sloan Management Review, and in business periodicals such as Wall Street Journal and Financial Times. He has been a keynote speaker in several conferences and has delivered more than 250 presentations in countries ranging from Australia to the Netherlands. He is a three-time winner of the Krowe Award for Teaching and has taught Marketing Management, Digital Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Customer Value Management, Innovation and New Product Management, and International Marketing. He was a visiting scholar at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. He has also been a visiting faculty at INSEAD, Singapore Management University, SDA Bocconi, the Chinese European International Business School at Shanghai, and the Indian School of Business. He is co-editor of the Handbook of Marketing Strategy and the author of Shopper Marketing.

Shankar has consulting or executive teaching experience with organizations such as Allstate, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Colgate Palmolive, Deloitte, GlaxoSmithKline, Hewlett Packard, HSBC, IBM, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Lucent Technologies, Marriott International, Medtronic, Microsoft, Northrop Grumman, PepsiCo, Philips, and Volvo. He has made several appearances on CNN, C-SPAN and Voice of America. He has been on many advisory boards, including IBM’s e-Business Conference Advisory Committee, European e-Business Center, ESSEC, France, and Ingenium Corporation.

Arun Sundararajan (confirmed)

Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences, Robert L. & Dale Atkins Rosen Faculty Fellow at NYU Stern School of Business

Arun Sundararajan is Professor and the Robert L. and Dale Atkins Rosen Faculty Fellow at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He is also an affiliated faculty member at NYU’s Center for Data Science and NYU’s Center for Urban Science+Progress. Professor Sundararajan’s research program studies how digital technologies transform business and society.  His current scholarly research focuses on peer-to-peer markets, social media and brand, digital labor, new institutions, regulation, social networks and online privacy.  He has published over 50 scientific papers in peer-reviewed academic journals and conferences and given over 200 presentations worldwide. His research has been recognized by six Best Paper awards, two Google Faculty awards, and a variety of grants. He has served on numerous editorial boards for scholarly journals. He has provided expert views about the digital economy as part of Congressional testimony and on panels or as talks to a variety of federal, state and city government bodies including the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, the National Economic Council and the Federal Trade Commission. His recent op-eds and expert commentary have appeared in TIME Magazine, the New Yorker, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, El Pais, Wired, TechCrunch, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and Harvard Business Review, and on broadcast media in over a dozen countries. He has served as director of NYU Stern’s IS Doctoral Program since 2007, is one of the founders of the Workshop on Information in Networks, is the founder of the Peer Collaborative, serves on the scientific advisory board of Cisco Systems, and is an advisor to OuiShare, the Center for Global Enterprise and the National League of Cities. He holds degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and the University of Rochester.

Professor Sundararajan’s new book about crowd-based capitalism will be published by the MIT Press in Spring 2016. Find out more at, and follow him on Twitter @digitalarun

Doreen Wang (confirmed)

Global Head of BrandZ, Millward Brown

Doreen Wang, a seasoned executive with extensive experience in providing outstanding market research and strategic consulting services for senior executives in Fortune 500 companies in both China and the US. Doreen currently leads the global BrandZ engagement across 43 countries, and the launch of BrandZ Global Top 100 Most Valuable Brands, China Top 100, Brazil Top 50 and Indian Top 50.

Doreen plays a leading role in providing branding consultancy services to top global companies and the fast-growing companies in China. She is often invited as the plenary lecture speaker on prestigious forums including UK House of Commons, Bloomberg News, Wall Street Journal and Cambridge Judge Business School. Doreen translated the book Grow by ex-P&G Global CMO Jim Stengel into Chinese and wrote the chapter of “Brand Ideal in China”.

Doreen received her M.P.A. degree in Marketing from University of Delaware and her M.S. degree in Econometrics from Tianjin University.  She is fluent in English and Chinese.


The Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business strives to drive economic development and social progress through interaction with communities of high-level academics and business elites, thus becoming a catalyst of positive social transformation and an advocate of new business culture.

This discussion is part of the “Knowledge Series” conducted by CKGSB. This series is centered on hot topics in China and Asia. It is hosted by CKGSB and its world-class New York resident professors, together with scholars from first-rate global partner organizations.

Each month it will present different topics in different forms, including lectures, discussions, etc., with the purpose of spreading cutting-edge knowledge and perspectives related to China and promoting deep dialogue in Chinese, Asian, and global academic and business circles.

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