
New CKGSB EMBA on China Business Launches in Seoul

December 04, 2015

The CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders, jointly developed by CKGSB and Korean business school aSSIST kicked off in Seoul this week, with an opening ceremony that attracted more than 50 prominent C-suite executives, experts and artists from various fields.

The CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders, jointly developed by CKGSB and aSSIST (Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies), officially launched on December 3 at the Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul.

The first student intake of the CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders, with CKGSB and aSSIST deans, faculty and alumni

In the presence of CKGSB Founding Dean and Professor of China Business and Globalization Xiang Bing and Professor of Strategy Cho Dong-Sung, over 50 prominent C-suite executives, experts and artists from various fields took part in the ceremony. CKGSB EMBA alumni including Shin Dong-Il (CEO of Lancy Group), Zhao Yinguang (CEO of Handuyishe), Xin Longshan (CEO of VIPSHOP International – Korea) and Li Xiaobai (Chairman of New Silk Road Fashion Organization) were also featured in the opening ceremony.

CKGSB Founding Dean Xiang Bing delivering his remarks at the Opening Ceremony

“As China is exerting global influence with high economic growth rate of 6%, creating business opportunities through the active cooperation between Chinese and Korean companies is important more than ever before,” said Dean Xiang Bing. “CKGSB will do our best to provide valuable business networking opportunities with in-depth insight about China through this program.”

In his opening remarks, Kim Il-Sup, President of aSSIST said “I believe that today’s newcomers in K-EMBA will be the true ‘first movers’ in further expanded economic relations between China and Korea in the future.” He also mentioned “Me and our staff will firmly assist the program to deepen connection of both countries.”

The CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders has been established to share CKGSB’s in-depth knowledge and network base through intensive education programs to help Korean business leaders be successful in China. World-leading academic authorities in both schools will share insights on the latest issues of relevance to business sectors in various fields. Students in the CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders will gain balanced perspectives on China’s economy, market, enterprise and customers. Most importantly, students will have a chance to be part of CKGSB’s alumni network of more than 8,000 entrepreneurs across China, Asia and the world, bringing them a great opportunity to seek the best clients and partners for their businesses. 

CKGSB Dean Xiang and aSSIST Dean Kim—together with selected alumni and professors—present the two schools’ badges to the incoming students

The program is expected to provide solutions for CEOs in China or businessmen and women who are considering entering the market. The first K-EMBA students are comprised of about 60 businessmen across a variety of industries including senior-level CEOs, professional managers and successors to management and founders. “The CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders has the advantage of a broad understanding about the Chinese market and a networking opportunity with renowned CKGSB alumni,” noted Dean Xiang Bing during an interview with Korean media outlet Dong-A Ilbo.

Meanwhile, Professor Cho Dong-Sung emphasized the strengths of the program in a joint briefing session held in both countries directed at both key opinion leaders and the media. “The classroom of the program will be an incubator for cultivating joint ventures among students as well as a market for their businesses,” said professor Cho. 

The CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders divides its time between Korea (Seoul) and China (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hainan). Korean students will have exclusive opportunities to mingle with industry leaders in China every other month. The tentative program design for both countries across 9 modules are as follows:

China Module

Korea Module

1: China’s Macro Economy and Big Picture
2: Strategic Marketing in China
3: Strategies for Successful Alliances in China 
4: China’s Financial Market 
5: Leveraging the Internet Boom in China 
6: Supply Chain Management 
7: Innovations from Chinese Companies 
8: Strategic Leadership and Human Resource Management 
9: China’s New Normal 
1. Philosophy of China Business
2. Relationship between China and Korea
3. Negotiation with Chinese Companies
4. Chinese government, Laws and Regulations
5. China-Korea Logistics System Integration
6. New Trends of China Business
7. The Chinese Entrepreneurship
8. Liberal Arts and Culture in Chinese Management
9. Sustainable Management towards Global Leadership 

The graduates of The CKGSB EMBA on China Business: A Program for Korean Leaders will be entitled to two degrees, one from each school; the one conferred by CKGSB is the CKGSB K-EMBA degree, and the one conferred by aSSIST is the aSSIST C-EMBA degree.

“As the G2 is now driving the world’s economy, I decided to join the program to be more aware of China and look for business opportunities,” said Lee Su-Kyung, Director of Sambo Motors, as one of the new students. “The K-EMBA is expected to play the role of conduit into the heart of business in China.”

aSSIST is a professional graduate school that has been offering Master & Ph. D degrees in business administration since 2004. Through these course for top executives, aSSIST aims to foster business professionals capable of generating sustainable companies.

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