
Mary Wadsworth Darby Named as Chief Representative of CKGSB Americas

June 22, 2016

The new head of CKGSB’s New York office comes with a long track record of success in the Asia/China markets, having previously held management positions in a number of Fortune 100 firms, including Chase, Sears and Morgan Stanley.

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) is pleased to announce that it has appointed Mary Wadsworth Darby as Chief Representative of CKGSB Americas.

Ms. Darby will oversee the activities of the CKGSB Americas office and will lead CKGSB’s efforts to expand program development in the region and improve cross-marketing with CKGSB’s Beijing campus and the CKGSB centers in New York, London and Hong Kong. She will also build on relationships with CKGSB partnering schools and other key stakeholders to identify new business and collaboration opportunities amid changing market dynamics and trade and capital flows.

Ms. Darby brings a unique background of scholarship and professional experience to the position. She began her career as a strategic planning consultant for companies planning to enter the Asia/China markets. She later held management positions in a number of Fortune 100 firms, including units of Chase, Sears and Morgan Stanley, where she was primarily responsible for identifying and developing opportunities in China and Asia. She also developed education and training programs for these firms and their clients including for the fixed income division of Morgan Stanley and for China International Capital Corporation (CICC). 

Recently Ms. Darby has acted as principal in founding Peridot Asia Advisors, a strategic transactions advisory firm working with companies doing business with China and other parts of Asia, and Peridot Scholastic Advisors which advises companies in Asia providing supplemental education and training for Chinese students seeking to study in US colleges, universities and secondary schools.

Ms. Darby holds a BA degree from Princeton University, an MBA from Columbia Business School and an MIA from Columbia School of International Affairs. She also headed the America-China Society, a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of US-China relations chaired by former US Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and the late Cyrus Vance.  Additionally, she is the Chair of the Hong Kong Association of New York, serves as a Senior Professional Fellow at the Chazen Institute at Columbia Business School, is a Trustee of Concord Academy and was for many years a Trustee of Princeton-in-Asia. She also serves as an Independent Director of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC, USA) and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

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