
Looking Back at 2020: An Extraordinary Year for CKGSB

December 30, 2020

To offer you an overview of CKGSB’s global presence, we share with you our 2020 highlights.

In what has been an unprecedented and challenging year for everyone, and as 2020 draws to a close, we’ve taken the time to reflect and look back at what this year has taught us and the many ways it has allowed for us to grow. 2020 has undoubtedly been a year of challenges, but it is also a year of triumphs. Whilst the pandemic caused global chaos and uncertainty, amidst this, we also saw courage, determination and resilience. It forced us all to think beyond the box, identify growth opportunities and adopt new digitalization trends.
Since the start of the pandemic, CKGSB has been actively contributing to the solution, and helping the world define a new normal. CKGSB’s thought leadership on China insights of global relevance, social impact and our global learning platform has been carried through in our various programs that incorporate humanities and social innovation into management education. Our unique and leading research and surveys has served as international indicators to China’s economic conditions. Our expanding global interdisciplinary learning platform has allowed us to host and leverage 35 English-language events and 10 Chinese-language events with worldwide partners, garnering 4.5 million viewers in total this year.
To offer you an overview of CKGSB’s global presence, we share with you our 2020 highlights below:

2020: An Extraordinary Year for CKGSB

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