
CKGSB Supports: Sixth EU Asia Top Economist Round Table

November 06, 2014

As China’s largest trading partner, the EU’s fortunes are inextricably tied to those of China – and vice versa. In partnership with economic institute Asia Matters, CKGSB is set to host the EU China Economic and Finance Forum as part of the Sixth EU Asia Top Economist Round Table on November 17 in Beijing, featuring CKGSB Dean Xiang Bing and Professor Li Xiaoyang, as well as a cast of other business executives, policy makers and academics.

Headlines and stories in the financial press often ask when China’s economy will overtake the United States in terms of GDP, but the EU bloc, when viewed as a whole, outranks them both. As China’s largest trading partner, the EU’s fortunes are inextricably tied to those of China, and vice versa.

The upcoming EU China Economic and Finance Forum on November 17 in Beijing, for which CKGSB is an official Partner, will bring together key stakeholders from top European and Chinese organizations as well as policymakers to discuss the latest economic developments and trends impacting trade and investment relations between the EU and China. Other topics for discussion include reform of the finance sector in China, the internalization of the Renminbi, the promotion of China’s free trade zones, and the ongoing negotiations for the ‘China EU Investment Agreement’.

CKGSB Founding Dean and Professor of China Business and Globalization Xiang Bing will deliver a keynote speech on “Challenges and Opportunities for China’s Economic Future” at the forum’s opening session. CKGSB Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance Li Xiaoyang will also be speaking, alongside luminaries including H.E. Helmut Schweisgut, Ambassador of the EU to China, Mr Laurence Barron, Chairman, Airbus Group China, Mr Jörg Wuttke, Vice President and Chief Representative of BASF and President of the EU Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Jin Zhongxia, Head of the Research Institute, People’s Bank of China.

The conference forms part of the EU Asia Top Economist Round Table (TERT) series by Asia Matters, Asia Matters is an economic institute based in Dublin dedicated to improving business relations between Ireland, the EU and Asia. Previous speakers at events in Dublin and Tokyo include Mr. Enda Kenny T.D., Prime Minister of Ireland, Mr. Jean-Luc Demarty, Director General for Trade, European Commission, Mr. Rintaro Tamaki, Deputy Secretary General, OECD, and H.E. Bui Thanh Son, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vietnam.

Event Overview:

Time: 12:15-17:45  

Date: November 17, 2014

Venue: The Capital Club, 6 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

For more information, please see the official event website here.

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