
CKGSB Knowledge Series: Silicon Dragon NY 2017

May 05, 2018

Global Deals & Innovation Revolution featuring Ms. Mary Wadsworth Darby, ChiefRepresentative, CKGSB Americas and 10+ Industry Experts

A CKGSB Knowledge Series Event in Partnership with Silicon Dragon


Silicon Dragon NY 2017

Global Deals & Innovation Revolution



Ms. Mary Wadsworth Darby

Chief Representative, CKGSB Americas


10+ Industry Experts

When: 2:00PM – 6:00PM Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Where: Nasdaq Market Site

4 Times Square
New York, NY 10036

Space is limited. Please register here using this special 15% off promotion code for the CKGSB community: SDNY17CKGSB.

Panel: Venture Dealmakers In Key Global Hubs

Jim Robinson, Managing Partner, RRE Ventures

Brian Cohen, Chairman, NY Angels / Founding Partner, NY Venture Partners

Oliver Mitchell, Founding Partner, Autonomy Ventures

Mason Du, Angel Investor, HBS Alumni Angels

David Teten, Managing Partner, HOF Capital

Panel: US-China Dealmakers

Wendy Cai, Founder/CEO, Oenus Capital
Mary Wadsworth Darby, Chief Representative, CKGSB Americas

Tech Chat 

Kamran Ansari, Head of Corporate Development, Pinterest / Venture Partner, Greycroft

Briefing – Technion’s New Campus in NYC

Ron Brachman, Director, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute 

Book Talk: 

Scott Hartley: Venture Capitalist and Author, The Fuzzie And The Techie

Startup Pitches, with Judging

Networking Reception

Sponsors: Sidley, OTEC, Nasdaq

Supporters: China Institute, CKGSB, InvestHK, Digital NYC, New York International, Hong Kong Association of New York, Asian American Business Center, Asia Society

Media Supporters: Forbes, CrowdFund Beat, AlleyWatch, Overseas Press Club, Digital.NYC, AlleyWire, Mandarin Quarterly, WeChat


Mary Wadsworth Darby
Chief Representative, CKGSB Americas

As Chief Representative of CKGSB Americas, Mary helps identify CKGSB Americas strategic initiatives and build brand awareness in both North and South America. She works closely with all the CKGSB offices to strengthen cross marketing and program development. Mary also works with CKGSB partnering schools and other key relationships to identify new business and opportunities for collaboration in response to changes in market dynamics and trade and capital flows.

Previously, Mary worked for Morgan Stanley in Firm Management and headed the Asia and China Desks. She moved to HK and headed Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) in Hong Kong and developed the first institutional sales initiative with Chinese financial entities. At Morgan Stanley she also created and ran a series of educational programs for the fixed income division and other departments with a focus on China.

Mary has worked extensively in China and Asia for more than 25 years. She founded Peridot Asia Advisors, a strategic transactions advisory firm. She has substantial experience negotiating market entry strategies over a broad range of industries, as well as with Chinese financial institutions, state-owned enterprises, regulatory authorities and other government entities responsible for regulating and supervising the insurance and banking industries. Her background also includes serving as Executive Director of the America-China Society, a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of US-China relations chaired by former US Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and the late Cyrus Vance.

Mary earned her BA degree from Princeton University. A fluent Mandarin speaker, she also holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and an MIA from Columbia School of International and Public Affairs. She is the Chair of the Hong Kong Association of New York; serves as a Senior Professional Fellow at the Chazen Institute at Columbia Business School; a Trustee of Concord Academy; and was for many years a Trustee of Princeton-in-Asia. She serves as an Independent Director of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC, USA). She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Alan Chen
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
C | K | G | S | B
Tel: +1 646-627-7735

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