
CKGSB Awarded 3rd Place in Cornell Emerging Markets Case Competition

November 29, 2019 | School News

On November 8th, 2019, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) was awarded 3rd place at Cornell University’s Emerging Markets Case Competition.

On November 8th, 2019, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) was awarded 3rd place at Cornell University’s Emerging Markets Case Competition. Competing among 16 teams from major business schools such as INSEAD and Cornell University, the CKGSB MBA team presented a project on how to best help a Chinese company expand in the Western market.

Below is a short article from CKGSB MBA 2019 student and case competition participant, Lucas Elettore, on his experience of the competition.

Late September, when Lourdes Casanova (Director of Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell) announced that there will be an emerging markets case competition in NYC, where teams from different schools were able to participate, I immediately thought about my CKGSB classmates doing exchange in the US. We formed a WeChat group and those who were available during the competition signed up. 

We were able to form a very diverse team: Esen from China, Lucas from Argentina, Melissa from Singapore and Romain from France. 

Unlike the other teams, who were able to physically meet up to work, we were based in distant places. Two of us were in Cornell University and the other two in University of Michigan. It was through video conferences and online documents that we went through the case analysis and cleared the first round. 

For the second round, we had to pitch our idea in 10 minutes to explain how the Chinese company given in the case was going to expand abroad. 

Putting up our knowledge about Chinese history we started our presentation with the magnetic compass (a Chinese invention) as the main tool for Zheng He to explore what we nowadays know as the maritime route of Belt and Road Initiative. We quickly explained how to do business in China as well as deploying our expansion strategy. 

Weeks of preparation were summarized in a 10-minute presentation and an unforgettable experience with top leaders from emerging markets. It was also a great opportunity to bring CKGSB to the top 3 business schools competing in the Annual Emerging Markets Institute Conference organized by Cornell University. 

We hope this is the start for an active participation of CKGSB students on different competitions and activities.

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