
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and Austcham Beijing Present the 2015 E-Commerce Forum

March 01, 2018

As part of the Australian Chamber’s recently established E-commerce & Retail Working Group, and the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business’ (CKGSB) strong education and research focus on the e-commerce industry, the two institutions are proud to bring to you this event on the opportunities and best practices of e-commerce in China. 

As part of the Australian Chamber’s recently established E-commerce & Retail Working Group, and the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business’ (CKGSB) strong education and research focus on the e-commerce industry, the two institutions are proud to bring to you this event on the opportunities and best practices of e-commerce in China.

E-commerce in China is booming following rapid growth in mobile phone ownership, a government endorsement under the recent Five Year Plan, advances in technology and an enormous market of pragmatic online shoppers, many of whom may not have access to products outside especially in lower-tiered cities. A new report by Forrester finds that online spending in China will reach one trillion dollars by 2019. The growth will be fueled by mobile apps and improving logistics networks, which have already helped e-commerce companies reach new customers in smaller cities.

Foreign products such as milk powder, health goods, beef and wine are all popular items on online websites such as JD.COM, Yihaodian, Womai and Amazon China, but there are also a range of opportunities for foreign SME’s to integrate e-commerce into their social media and online presence, including WeChat.

To assist business leaders and professionals in understanding the opportunities ahead in e-commerce and the current digital landscape, we invite three experts from different sectors including online payments, digital marketing and consulting to join us for an informative panel discussion. The event will be emceed by Timothy Coghlan, Associate Director of Luxury Retail with Savills and held at CKGSB’s Beijing Campus.


Date: November 5th 2015

Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm


Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

2/F Tower E3 Oriental Plaza, No 1 Changan Avenue, Beijing 100738, P.R. China


北京市东长安街1号东方广场东3座2层 100738

Cost: 50RMB (Members), 100RMB (Non Members), Free for CKGSB Students

Registration: To RSVP for this event, please email Ms. Melody Tu (


Bryan Carr, CEO of SmartTrans

Bryan Carr is the Managing Director of SmartTrans (ASX:SMA). He has 25 years experience working in managing the development and delivery of internet and mobile software solutions and has spent the last 9 years living and working in China with SmartTrans where SmartTrans provides its mobile and internet-based payments systems to a rapidly growing customer base. 

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:JoshuaDensley:Downloads:Allen Qu 3.jpgAllen Qu, CEO & China Founder of Netconcepts

Allen Qu leads the Netconcepts China team to provide analysis, consultation and implementation of organic and paid search strategies for leading companies in China, US, Australia, New Zealand and Japan markets. Finishing high school in Japan and later graduating from the University of Auckland, Allen is a Distinguished Professor of Online Marketing. He holds a Masters Degrees from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as well as Beijing Open University. He is currently a special Adviser at Baidu College and is a chairman at Global Cross-border E-commerce Association.

Allen is the founder of SEO University and SEO Ranking Awards and is also on Campaign Asia’s “China Digital A-List 2015” and spoke at China Harvard Forum last year. He’s one of the most respected authorities in the Chinese ecommerce space and one of the top Chinese digital marketing experts in the country.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:JoshuaDensley:Desktop:pablo.jpg

Pablo Recio Gracia, Manager Director of Eibens

Pablo Recio has lived and worked in China since 2005. During this time he has developed a strong knowledge of the FB Chinese market, including import, distribution and trade barriers, from both a legal and commercial standpoint.  Pablo has seen the FB industry from several perspectives in his previous roles, working for public agencies including ICEX (Spanish trade section in China) and Extenda (Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia-Spain), as well as for private drinks exporters entering China and private consulting. As Managing Director of Eibens, the company has clearly focus to assist Small and Medium Enterprises from abroad to access Chinese FB market making the best use of their limited resources.

Pablo is currently involved in a number projects aiming to support SMEs to access China with a realistic approach. In 2015, he has cooperated with organizations such as the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, the EU SME Centre in Beijing, Latvia LIAA, Foods from Finland or The Irish Food Board among others.

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