
2018 CKGSB Accounting Research Conference in Beijing

October 25, 2018

All interested accounting faculty and doctoral students are welcome to attend. Lunch, beverages and snacks will be served to all. There is no registration fee.

2018.11.30  9:00-18:00
2018.12.01  9:00-12:00

Location:  Classroom 9&10, Oriental Plaza 20/F, Tower E2, Beijing Campus

Language: English

Registration: To register, please click here.

Contact: For further information or any questions please email Ruilin WANG at



Day 1

Opening Remarks

Jing LIU

Professor of Accounting and Finance

Associate Dean for DBA and CKGSB Chuang Community

Academic Director for DBA

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

9:00-10:15 am

Peer Firm Selection and Executive Compensation: The Case of Dual-role Peers

please click here for paper

C.S. Agnes CHENG

Head and Chair Professor of Accounting 

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

10:30-11:45 am

Government Ownership, Non-CEO Top Executives’ Horizontal Pay Dispersion and Firm Performance

please click here for paper

Bin KE

Professor of Accounting, Provost’s Chair, and Director of Asia Accounting Research Centre at the NUS Business School


Lunch Break

1:30-2:45 pm

Direct Evidence on Earnings Used in Executive Compensation Performance Measurement

please click here for paper


Assistant Professor

Accounting and Law

The University of Hong Kong

3:00-4:15 pm

Do Repatriation Tax Holidays Promote Corporate Social Responsibility? Evidence from the American Jobs Creation Act

please click here for paper

Liandong ZHANG

Professor of Accounting

Associate Dean (Research)

Lee Kong Chian Fellow

Singapore Management University

4:30-5:45 pm

Styles of regulators: Evidence from the SEC’s comment letters

please click here for paper


Associate Professor

Division of Accounting

College of Business (Nanyang Business School)


Day 2

9:00-10:15 am

Out-of-equilibrium CEO Incentives, Dynamic Adjustment and Firm Performance

please click here for paper

Weining ZHANG

Associate Professor of Accounting

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business


10:30-11:45 am

Controllability of Risk and the Design of Incentive-Compensation Contracts

please click here for paper

Sterling HUANG

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Lee Kong Chian Fellow

Singapore Management University


Note: All interested accounting faculty and doctoral students are welcome to attend. Lunch, beverages and snacks will be served to all. There is no registration fee.

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