
Understanding Family Business in China

  • Date: November 19, 2020 4:00 pm
  • Location: Webinar

About this event

Co-hosted by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and IE Business School

Since China’s economic reforms in 1978, huge numbers of private family enterprises have been set up and now play a major role in the economy. Many statistical sources suggests the contribution of the private sector to GDP in China has grown to at least 60% in recent years, of which 85% are from family-owned private enterprises, making a major contribution toward technological innovation, as well as creating jobs. Now, with the post-pandemic economic recovery, private family-run enterprises in China play a more significant role than ever before.

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business joins IE Business School to co-host the webinar, “Understanding Family Businesses in China: the Path, the Trend, and the Future,” to launch a joint report examining the role of private family-run enterprises and the challenges they face in the near future.

Platform: Zoom Webinar


FAN Xinyu

Assistant Professor of Economics, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

PhD, University of California, Los Angles (UCLA)

Phone:+86-10-8518 8858 ext. 8527

Assistant Professor of Economics, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

PhD, University of California, Los Angles (UCLA)

Areas of Expertise: Game theory, political economy, industrial organization, economic history


Dr. Xinyu Fan is an Assistant Professor of Economics at CKGSB. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Los Angles (UCLA) in 2018. He also holds B.Econ & Fin from the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Fan is mainly interested in political economics, organizational economics, and economic history, with a special focus on 3 research themes: 1. Self-enforcing social order in the shadow of power struggles; 2. Power succession and transition in dynasties and family businesses; 3. Economic origins of social, cultural, and gender norms.
Dr. Fan’s work has appeared in leading scholarly journals such as the International Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Public Choice, and Journal of Theoretical Politics.

Download CV


4:00-4:05 | Welcome Remarks by Felix Valdivieso, Chairman of IE’s China Center

4:05-4:10 | Welcome Remarks by Dulce Qu, Associate Director of CKGSB's Entrepreneurship Innovation Center and MBA Program

4:10-4:30 | Keynote Speech by Professor Ma Bin, IE Business School

4:30-4:50 | Keynote Speech by Professor Fan Xinyu, CKGSB

4:50-5:28 | Panel discussion

5:28-5:30 | Closing Remarks

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