

  • Date: July 17, 2019 7:00 pm
  • Location: CKGSB New York Office, 230 Park Avenue, Suite 540 New York, NY 10169

About this event

Want to keep up with the latest developments in China’s economy and Financial Markets? Join CKGSB’s Full-time English MBA Info Session & special lecture on July 17th (Wednesday) 2019 in New York!

The lecture will feature CKGSB Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance, Prof. Ouyang Hui. Prof. Ouyang will compare the Chinese Economic development and financial markets with that of the west, USA as an example, to explain the characteristic of China’s financial markets, opportunities and challenges that it faces. He will discuss China’s equity funding and the current status of China’s stock market, funding of innovation in China and how multinational corporations can leverage the opportunities in China. This session will also cover extensively the state-of-the-art development of internet finance in China.

The lecture will be followed by CKGSB MBA Info Session, given by MBA Assistant Director Ms. Susan Zhao.

Ms. Susan ZHAO

CKGSB MBA Program Assistant Director

Susan Zhao works as Assistant Director in CKGSB in charge of MBA Department,before which she served as head of Global Programs Department at CKGSB where she administered and developed numerous English executive education programs.

About CKGSB MBA Program

This accelerated English-language 14-month MBA program helps young professionals transform into global business leaders with a strong understanding of China and other emerging economies. Participants will tap into unique mentoring opportunities that will connect them to the Who’s Who of business in China as they learn from some of the best academics in one of the most dynamic markets in the world.



Dean's Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance and Senior Associate Dean, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
PhD, Tulane University

Phone: +852 5199 6227 ext. 2435

Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance and Senior Associate Dean, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

PhD, University of California, Berkeley
PhD, Tulane University

Areas of Expertise: Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance, Fixed Income, Integrated Models of Asset Pricing, Internet Finance, Moral Hazard, Quantitative Strategies and Research, Risk Management


Prof Ou-Yang is the Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance at CKGSB. He also serves as Senior Associate Dean. His academic research focuses on the development of asset pricing and corporate finance models. He had previously served as an Associate Professor at Duke University and an Associate Professor at UNC-Chapel Hill. Prof Ou-Yang was voted the best teacher by Duke’s Global EMBA Class of 2004. He won the Barclays Global Investors/Michael Brennan Runner-Up Award for the best paper published in the Review of Financial Studies in 2003 as well as the best paper award (joint with Henry Cao) presented by the Society of Quantitative Analysts in 2005.

Before joining CKGSB, Dr Ou-Yang served as a managing director at UBS where he headed the Quantitative Solutions/Algo Strategies division. His work focused on alpha-generating trading strategies and quantitative portfolio strategies, as well as on the development of structured products. His team developed various structured products, such as “Hedging and Outperforming Inflations in China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand”, “Asset Allocation using Macro Signals” and “Relative Value Commodity Strategies”. In addition, he provided customized solutions for major UBS clients such as utility companies, airlines and banks. Ou-Yang also served as a managing director at Lehman Brothers and Nomura Securities, where he headed Quantitative Strategies and Quantitative Credit Research. He was heavily involved with many of Lehman’s credit/interest rate structured products as well as beta products, such as replicating Lehman’s bond indexes and replicating the global hedge fund index.

Dr Ou-Yang holds a PhD in finance from UC Berkeley and a PhD in chemical physics from Tulane University. He received his postdoctoral training in chemical physics from the California Institute of Technology, where he worked under Nobel Laureate Rudy Marcus.

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