ESG & Social Innovation

Driving Impactful ESG Research

At CKGSB, our professors are at the forefront of ESG research, contributing to leading academic journals with groundbreaking insights. Their work not only advances knowledge but also shapes business practices and influences public policy, paving the way for more sustainable and responsible decision-making.

Our ESG Research


Foreign Ownership and Corporate Social Responsibility in an Emerging Market: Impacts and Mechanisms

Brian Viard, Associate Professor of Strategy and Economics, CKGSB
Gang Zhang, Assistant Professor of Economics, CKGSB

A paper based on a study to investigate the impact of foreign ownership on the environmental and social (ES) performance of publicly listed firms in an emerging market.

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Alive but Not Well: The Neglected Cost of Air Pollution

Zhigang Tao, Professor of Strategy and Economics, CKGSB

Besides medical expenses, hospitalizations due to air pollution result in welfare loss from activity restrictions and wage loss from the inability to work. This paper addressed a gap in the literature by examining the impact of air pollution on both the volume and intensity of hospitalizations, offering a comprehensive understanding of welfare and wage loss.


Does Concealing Gender Identity Help Women Win the Competition? An Empirical Investigation into Online Video Games

Xinlei Chen, Professor of Marketing, CKGSB

How are gender stereotypes associated with competition? By studying behaviors in online video games, this paper found when men perceive their opponent as female, they exert increased effort in competition, but women seem unaffected by their opponent’s gender, which leads to poorer performance for women when competing against men, unless women conceal their gender.

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Worker Experience and Donor Heterogeneity: The Impact of Charitable Workers on Donors’ Blood Donation Decisions

Tianshu Sun, Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Information Systems, CKGSB

Charitable organizations face the challenge of retaining a steady supply of donations to deliver upon their mission. To secure a reliable donation flow and maintain their operations, charitable organizations spend significant efforts on donor recruitment and retention. This paper studied how charitable organizations can use microlevel data on worker-donor interactions to improve donation outcomes, by understanding workers’ experiences and donors’ characteristics.

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Evaluating Air Pollution Regulation: Separating Firm Competitiveness and Ambient Effects

Brian Viard, Associate Professor of Strategy and Economics, CKGSB

A paper with an innovative approach to measure the environmental regulation’s effect on a firm’s competitiveness.

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The Shaping of a Gender Norm: Marriage, Labor, and Foot-binding in Historical China

Xinyu Fan, Assistant Professor of Economics, CKGSB

Foot-binding was a practice in historical China that had profound impacts on women’s well-being. This paper explored the motives behind foot-binding during the Song Dynasty by examining the marriage market and labor incentives. They provided insights into the economic origins of this gender norm.

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Welfare Consequences of Sustainable Finance

Neng Wang, Dean's Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance, CKGSB

A paper that modeled the consequences of sustainable finance portfolio mandates that restrict investors to hold firms with net-zero carbon emissions.

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Mitigating Disaster Risks in the Age of Climate Change

Neng Wang, Dean's Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance, CKGSB

A paper to study the necessity of adaptation strategies alongside emission reduction to mitigate climate-change-induced weather disasters. It introduces a model incorporating learning and adaptation into a general equilibrium framework, emphasizing the importance of both firm-level and collective efforts in disaster risk management.

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A Mayor’s Perspective on Tackling Air Pollution

Brian Viard, Associate Professor of Strategy and Economics, CKGSB

A paper that reviewed recent empirical economic studies on urban ambient air pollution from a mayor’s perspective and discussed the sources of urban air pollution, the economic costs that it imposes, and the policy tools available to a mayor to alleviate it.

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The Effects of Advanced Degrees on the Wage Rates, Hours, Earnings and Job Satisfaction of Women and Men

Ling Zhong, Assistant Professor of Economics, CKGSB

Over the last several decades, the number of individuals pursuing graduate degrees has grown rapidly, especially among women. Yet, there is limited evidence about the returns of graduate degrees for men and women, and how this varies by type of graduate degree. Even less is known about the impact of graduate degrees on other aspects of work life, such as hours worked and job satisfaction. This paper estimated the causal effects of specific graduate fields on earnings, the occupational component of earnings, the hourly wage, and hours worked.

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